auricle - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of auricle in Hindi

  • कर्ण-शष्कुल्ली
  • अलिन्द
  • कर्ण कान

auricle Definition

  • a structure resembling an ear or ear lobe. ( एक कान या कान पालि जैसा दिखने वाला ढांचा। )
  • another term for atrium (of the heart). ( एट्रिअम (दिल का) के लिए एक और शब्द। )

auricle Example

  • blood passes downward from the auricle to the ventricle ( रक्त एरिकल से वेंट्रिकल तक नीचे की ओर जाता है )
  • Inflammation or infection of external auditory canal and auricle . ( बाहरी श्रवण नहर और टखने की सूजन या संक्रमण। )
  • The heart appears to be the most primitive of all adult vertebrates, with the auricle , ventricle and conus arteriosus arranged in straight line, rather than being doubled over one another. ( दिल सभी वयस्क कशेरुकाओं में सबसे अधिक आदिम प्रतीत होता है, एक दूसरे पर दोगुना होने के बजाय, सीधी रेखा में व्यवस्थित, वेंट्रिकल और शंकु आर्टेरियोसस। )
  • The long term cosmetic problems arise from resultant destruction of cartilage that forms the skeleton of the auricle . ( लंबे समय तक कॉस्मेटिक समस्याएं उपास्थि के परिणामी विनाश से उत्पन्न होती हैं जो कि ऑरलिक के कंकाल बनाती हैं। )
  • This involves inserting a device within a catheter into the interior of the heart and which spreads out like an umbrella inside the right and left auricle . ( इसमें दिल के अंदरूनी हिस्से में एक कैथेटर के भीतर एक उपकरण सम्मिलित करना शामिल है और जो दाएं और बाएं टखने के अंदर एक छतरी की तरह फैलता है। )

More Sentence

  • An indentation situated in front of the auricle of the ear.
  • We have argued that local authorities should make it a requirement for those performing high ear piercing to warn their customers of the possibility of abscess formation and the resulting permanent deformity of the auricle .
  • Outside the cranial cavity, the auricle and the semispinalis capitis muscle are seen.
  • Within head injuries auricles were mainly bruised.
  • It has a real beating heart with all its auricles , ventricles and valves in their anatomically correct positions.
  • The auricles are small, clearly separated from the anterior and posterior margins of the shell and are found in the plane of the closing of the valves.
  • Radiographic examination revealed opacities consistent with bony structure in the auricles of the ears, with the right more prominent than the left.
  • The new species differs from it in being narrower and higher at a comparable growth stage and in having less oblique auricles .