date - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of date in Hindi
- तारीख
- मिति
- समय
- दिनांक
- तिथि
- दिनांक
- खजूर
- काल
- मुलाक़ात
- भेंट
- साक्षात्कार
- मिती
- घटनाकाल
- स्वजूर
- दिनांक चढ़ाना
- तिथि चढ़ाना
- कालातीत हो जाना
- प्रारंभ होना
- भेंट करना
- पुराना हो जाना
- क़दीम हो जाना
- शुरू होना
date Definition
- the day of the month or year as specified by a number.
- a social or romantic appointment or engagement.
- a sweet, dark brown oval fruit containing a hard stone, usually eaten dried.
- a tall palm tree which bears clusters of dates, native to western Asia and North Africa.
- establish or ascertain the date of (an object or event).
- indicate or expose as being old-fashioned.
- go out with (someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested).
date Example
- sign and date the document ( दस्तावेज़ पर हस्ताक्षर करें और दिनांकित करें )
- they date the paintings to 1460–70 ( वे पेंटिंग्स को 1460-70 to तक की तारीख देते हैं )
- a college student on a date with someone he met in class ( एक कॉलेज का छात्र किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के साथ डेट पर गया जिससे वह कक्षा में मिला था )
- a movie that will date quickly ( एक फिल्म जो जल्दी से डेट करेगी )
More Sentence
- "It's important to find out the date and place," she said.
- I have a date to get ready for.
- Yancey was an attentive date, always knowing exactly what to say and do.
- The doctor set a due date of August 17th.
- You have a date in mind you'd like to share?
- If I do, I'll call you for that dinner date when I get back.
- Because of his 10:00 court date, he asked Harrigan to contact Byrne's doctor and try to run down any additional life insurance the missing man might have purchased.
- We need to make a date for shoe shopping soon.
- Oh, just a date for the concert.
- What could be more enticing than sharing several, delectable dishes with your date?
- Maybe accepting a date would be the perfect way to end this one-sided relationship.
- She was too close to her due date to be running around in the hills.
- Some of the letters in the name were backward, but the date was clearly 1872.
- Enjoy drinks from the full bar or a glass of wine from the large wine list while you cozy up to your date.
- "It's a date," she said, driving home the stake.
- they've set a date for the wedding
- what's the date today?
- please give your name, address, and date of birth
- Sampling dates within one month were pooled for ease of presentation.
- As a result, the measurement, dating and distribution of material culture takes on greater significance - it simply matters much more.
- I do not believe, however, that such verses have been used as evidence for dating poems.
- All householders were provided with dates of each monthly inspection and alternative dates to ensure that all premises were inspected each month.
- Similar observations were made on the two other sampling dates.
- There is repetition between chapters and the information on occasions appears to be dated.
- Prices and proposed publication dates are subject to change without prior notice.
- The dates given mark the beginning and end dates of the relationship forged between the actors, as indicated by the dates of the letters collected.
- Can phylogenetic methods meaningfully be applied to language data - and to dating language?
- Table 2 shows that there exists a broad correlation between the dates of the sources and the order of states just defined.
- There is no consistent alignment between dates and places, nor is any indication given of the archival sources from which this information derives.
- In normative samples, maltreatmentrelated variables predict dating violence inconsistently.
- the church is the largest of its date
- my date isn't going to show, it seems