dampen - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dampen in Hindi
- गीला हो जाना
- निस्र्त्साह करना
- तर हो जाना
- जी तोड़ना
- उत्साहहीन करना
dampen Definition
- make slightly wet.
- make less strong or intense.
dampen Example
- nothing could dampen her enthusiasm ( कुछ भी उसके उत्साह को कम नहीं कर सका )
- The men walked with umbrellas so that the plopping drops of rain wouldn’t dampen their suits. ( वे लोग छतरियों के साथ चलते थे ताकि बारिश की गिरती बूंदों से उनका सूट गीला न हो जाए। )
- Even just enough rain to dampen the dry fields would be appreciated by the desperate farmers. ( यहां तक कि सूखे खेतों को भीगने के लिए पर्याप्त बारिश भी हताश किसानों द्वारा सराहना की जाएगी। )
- It would not be a great interruption, and he hoped it might heighten, and not dampen their joys. ( यह कोई बड़ी रुकावट नहीं होगी, और वह आशा करता था कि यह बढ़ सकता है, और उनकी खुशियों को कम नहीं करेगा। )
More Sentence
- Even the situation in which we found ourselves did not dampen the laughter and Joy of being with friends again.
- He inwardly determined to tell them the truth, but not at that moment, for he did not want to dampen their spirits.
- Not even the cruel handling of the property by the predecessors of Parsons could dampen that loyalty.
- And often these controlling interests serve only to dampen local production.
- Showers will dampen much of the Northeast and Middle Atlantic region.
- True, the answers to such questions might dampen the fun.
- Rain will dampen the West Coast, particularly in central California.
- Dampen the edge of the crust with egg wash or water.
- This is expected to continue to dampen growth in advertising volumes.
- Let us not dampen the lamp of the Statue of Liberty,
- It's difficult to see dampen in a sentence .
- His defeat could well dampen their appeal to other potential converts.
- Those uncertainties helped to dampen investor reaction to the dividend increase.
- The consumption tax increase could dampen individual spending, economists say.
- Showers will dampen the region about 100 miles behind the front.
- Farther inland, showers will dampen portions of the interior Northwest.
- The appearance of the place was unprepossessing enough to dampen even the ambitious courage of Pauline.
- Of course the leather rolled badly, but since it was possible to dampen and stretch it into shape this difficulty could be overcome.
- But neither their own lack of hardihood nor the disasters of their Southern friends could dampen their peculiar ardor.
- The flight of the Hawk did not long dampen the ardor of those who were looking for signs in the heaven above and the earth beneath.
- They fear the worst, dread failure, dampen their own confidence, and therefore fritter away their own energy.
- If you dampen the rag with a bit of water before rubbing the counter, it will be a lot easier to clean.
- The toddler spilled just enough juice to dampen the bottom of her shirt.
- slider switches on the mixers can dampen the drums