custard apple - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of custard apple in Hindi

  • शरीफा
  • सीताफल

custard apple Definition


  • a large fleshy tropical fruit with a sweet yellow pulp.
  • the tree which bears the custard apple, native to Central and South America.

custard apple Example

  • He lived there for 54 years, growing custard apples, papaws and bananas. ( वह वहां 54 साल तक रहे, कस्टर्ड सेब, पपीता और केले उगाते रहे। )
  • The sithaphala fruits ( custard apples ) that grow in these hillocks are immensely deli cious. ( इन पहाड़ियों में उगने वाले सीताफला फल (कस्टर्ड सेब) बेहद स्वादिष्ट होते हैं। )
  • The fruit garden also contained custard apples. ( फलों के बगीचे में कस्टर्ड सेब भी थे। )
  • Fruit trees at the rear of the grounds included mangoes, custard apples, and persimmons. ( मैदान के पीछे फलों के पेड़ों में आम, कस्टर्ड सेब और ख़ुरमा शामिल थे। )

More Sentence

  • "Cananga odorata " is a fast-growing tree of the custard apple family Annonaceae.
  • Domestic plantings nearby include 2 mature mango trees, citrus trees, custard apple, guava and cucumbers.
  • Pebbair and the nearby areas also produce fruits like Mangoes, Sapotas, Custard Apples, and Water Melons.
  • For dessert we ate custard apples ( cherimoya ) and a local pastry filled with candied spaghetti squash and anise liqueur.
  • The creamy texture of the flesh gives the fruit its secondary name, "'custard apple " '.
  • custard apple trees, the fruit aren't quite ripe yet.
  • It is part of the custard apple family ( Annonaceae ).
  • The soft white pulpy flesh of ripe custard apple is intensely sweet.
  • The principal fruit trees are the duri-an, mangosteen, custard-apple, pomegranate,.
  • Domestic plantings nearby include 2 mature mango trees, citrus trees, custard apple, guava and cucumbers.
  • :: I think it is a Annona muricata, which is a type of custard apple . ( another picture ).
  • The forests have a vast variety of fruit bearing trees such as Mango, Ber, Tamarind, Jamulum, Custard Apple which feed the forest inhabitants in surplus.
  • It's difficult to see custard apples in a sentence .
  • CHERIMOYA _ Also called custard apple, this heart-shape fruit has green scaly skin and sweet, white custardy flesh.
  • And on the other hand in a more reduced proportion crops outside such as custard apple, beans, peas . ..
  • :: I think it is a Annona muricata, which is a type of custard apple . ( another picture ).
  • "Rollinia " is a genus of the family " Annonaceae ", which also contains custard apples and soursops.
  • "' Quillota "'is a agricultural center, mainly because the plantations of avocado and cherimoya ( custard apple ) trees.
  • The Chinese were the chief providers of fresh fruit and vegetables on the goldfields usually growing fruit such as custard apples, mandarins, watermelons and lemons.
  • Locals like to vary their pisco diet by flavoring it with local fruits, including fig, mango, cherry, lemon or chirimoya ( custard apple ).