curl - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of curl in Hindi

  • कर्ल
  • तरंगित
  • लहरियादार
  • अलक
  • घुंघराले बाल

curl Definition


  • form or cause to form into a curved or spiral shape.
  • (in weight training) lift (a weight) using only the hands, wrists, and forearms.
  • play at the game of curling.


  • something having a spiral or inwardly curved form, especially a lock of hair.
  • a weightlifting exercise involving movement of only the hands, wrists, and forearms.
  • the vector product of the operator del and a given vector.

curl Example

  • She brushed an auburn curl from her face and sighed. ( उसने अपने चेहरे से एक शुभ कर्ल ब्रश किया और आह भरी। )
  • Brushing a blond curl from her face, she reined him toward the buffalo pen. ( अपने चेहरे से एक गोरा कर्ल ब्रश करते हुए, उसने उसे भैंस की कलम की ओर लगा दिया। )
  • Gently he brushed the curl from her face again and looked into her eyes. ( उसने धीरे से उसके चेहरे से कर्ल को फिर से साफ किया और उसकी आँखों में देखा। )
  • The calming intensity around him tugged at her, made her want to curl up in his arms. ( उसके आस-पास की शांत तीव्रता ने उसे अपनी ओर खींचा, जिससे वह अपनी बाहों में समेटना चाहती थी। )

More Sentence

  • I curl up on the bed in front of her.
  • A hot bath, and then she would curl.
  • I curl my fingers, slow my breathing.
  • He wanted to curl up next to her and.
  • I curl up onto the bed and hug myself.
  • His lips curl with cruelty and disdain.
  • Making my toes curl until they felt numb.
  • That line still caused my stomach to curl.
  • They had the same green eyes and curl to.
  • One part of him wanted to curl up and cry.
  • Hair having a property of mutual cohesion or " felting," which depends upon a roughened scaly surface and a tendency to curl, as in domestic sheep, is called " wool."
  • Her body hurt, her head pulsed, and she wanted nothing more than to curl up on a warm rock outside and go to sleep.
  • She will insist on having her hair put in curl papers when she is so sleepy she can scarcely stand.
  • These segments are very mobile, and as the rove-beetles run along they often curl the abdomen upwards and forwards like the tail of a scorpion.
  • His black cat leapt from the ottoman onto her chest, content to curl up and sleep.
  • She wanted to curl up in the pod and sob until he rescued her, even knowing he'd never know where to find her.