cross-legged - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cross-legged in Hindi

  • पैर पर पैर रखनेवाला

cross-legged Definition


  • seated with the legs crossed at the ankles and the knees bent outward.

cross-legged Example

  • sit in a cross-legged position with your spine straight but not rigid ( अपनी रीढ़ को सीधा रखते हुए क्रॉस लेग्ड स्थिति में बैठें लेकिन कठोर नहीं )
  • He never sat cross-legged, after the Eastern fashion. ( वह पूर्वी फैशन के बाद कभी भी क्रॉस-लेग्ड नहीं बैठे। )
  • Sorren sat cross-legged near the fire and Darek imitated him. ( सोरेन आग के पास क्रॉस लेग्ड बैठ गया और डेरेक ने उसकी नकल की। )
  • But this time as I sat cross-legged on the pyramid chip in a. ( लेकिन इस बार जब मैं पिरामिड चिप पर क्रॉस-लेग्ड बैठा था। )

More Sentence

  • Scott nodded and sat cross-legged on the floor in front of them.
  • We sat cross-legged on carpets and watched a show of traditional.
  • The "'Baddha Padmasana "'or "'Bounded Lotus Pose "'is a variation of the cross legged sitting meditative asana called Padmasana.
  • It's difficult to see cross legged sitting in a sentence .
  • Hillary sat cross-legged in front of the enchanted mirror in her room.
  • He sat down cross-legged and meditated upon the ruro within his chest.
  • She slipped off her shoes and sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed.
  • cross-legged effigy of a knight.
  • She sits cross legged amidst the mountains.
  • Sit in a neutral, cross legged position.
  • Jody spread herself cross-legged on the carpet.
  • cross-legged on the flair wi their eyes shut.
  • I've always pictured someone sitting cross legged and meditating.
  • Sit facing each other, cross-legged, in the buff.
  • People can get cross-legged about oldtimers dwelling up oldtimers.
  • Most of the drummers sit cross-legged on the floor.
  • Matt returned and sat on the end of the bed, cross-legged, facing Marion.
  • He appears seated cross-legged, with the hands together, dressed in the.
  • She sat cross-legged next to his feet and gently lifted them into her lap.
  • What did he want? Emily asked, sitting cross-legged on the bed with.
  • We sat cross-legged on the ground and chatted while we waited for Chen Huan.
  • Carla was cross-legged next to the table