critically - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of critically in Hindi
- गंभीर
- गुण-दोष की दृष्टि से
- सूक्षम रूप से
critically Definition
- in a way that expresses disapproval.
- to a potentially disastrous degree.
critically Example
- She stood back and eyed herself critically in the mirror. ( वह पीछे खड़ी हो गई और आईने में खुद को गंभीर रूप से देखा। )
- Thomas of Celano's writings on St Francis have been critically edited by E. ( सेंट फ्रांसिस पर सेलानो के लेखन के थॉमस को समीक्षकों द्वारा संपादित किया गया है ई। )
- (e, f) The Ethiopic and Arabic versions have not yet been critically edited. ( (ई, एफ) इथियोपिक और अरबी संस्करणों को अभी तक गंभीर रूप से संपादित नहीं किया गया है। )
- Combing it up into a pony tail, she bound it and eyed her image critically in the mirror. ( इसे एक पोनी टेल में मिलाते हुए, उसने उसे बांध दिया और आईने में अपनी छवि को गंभीर रूप से देखा। )
- The Mishnah was first critically edited by W. ( मिशनाह को सबसे पहले डब्लू। )
More Sentence
- Charcoal gray eyes studied her critically from a face too rugged to be handsome.
- Food supplies are at a critically low level.
- Mike looked at her critically.
- She's critically ill, on life support.
- He is critically ill in intensive care.
- Herrera was in London when she heard Onassis was critically ill.
- To write critically about the president is not easy for me.
- She wrote critically of Pfeffer, lashing out angrily at him.
- The OTS found none of its regulated thrifts were critically undercapitalized.
- But blood components needed for treatment are in critically short supply.
- Three others were critically wounded in the Dec . 19 attack.
- Some of these shows have been critically acclaimed, some not.
- But Greenpoint Bank officials say they are providing critically needed loans.
- The show was critically acclaimed, and its audience is growing.
- The 10 architects have all done major, critically acclaimed projects.
- It's difficult to see critically in a sentence .
- Changes to " the IRA are critically important,"
- He did breathe some new life into a critically ill company.
- Her eyes ran critically over her friend's new dress.
- She is still critically ill in hospital.
- Last night she was critically ill in intensive care.
- Bass examined the quality of the furniture critically.
- Moscow is running critically low on food supplies.
- This is a critically important meeting.
- She's still critically ill in intensive care.
- She spoke critically of her father.
- Modern science is critically dependent on high-performance computing.
- It was a critically important moment in his career.
- To speak critically, I never received more than one or two letters in my life--I wrote this some years ago--that were worth the postage.
- The more thorough explanation of the relation between experience as critically conceived and the individual subject was the problem left by Kant for his successors.
- Archiv fiir Zoologie, ii.; Id., " The Genera of European Nemerteans critically revised," Notes from the Leyden Museum (1879); Id., " Zur Anatomie u.
- The text of the passages has to be critically treated anew.