creak - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of creak in Hindi
- चरमराहट
- चरमराना
- चरचर करना
creak Definition
- (of an object or structure, typically a wooden one) make a harsh, high-pitched sound when being moved or when pressure or weight is applied.
- show weakness or frailty under strain.
- a harsh scraping or squeaking sound.
creak Example
- the creak of a floorboard broke the silence ( फ़्लोरबोर्ड की क्रेक ने चुप्पी तोड़ी )
- The creak of the floorboards gave him away. ( फ़्लोरबोर्ड की क्रेक ने उसे दूर कर दिया। )
- She heard the creak of footsteps on the stairs. ( उसने सीढ़ियों पर कदमों की आहट सुनी। )
- Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday! ( काश आप वाक्यडिक्ट.कॉम से लाभ उठा पाते और प्रतिदिन प्रगति कर पाते! )
More Sentence
- Creak , Zili puts down a black.
- A creak door hang long on Its hinge.
- She heard a floorboard creak upstairs.
- The gate gave a loud creak as he pushed it open.
- The timbers groan and creak and the floorboards shift.
- I heard the floorboards creak as he crept closer.
- I heard a creak on the stairs.
- The door was pulled open with a creak.
- They listened anxiously to every rattle and creak in the house.
- The gate swung open with a creak.
- The creak and click of door and padlock roused Midnight.
- Some of the hinges of the plot creak and need oiling.
- Every time I hear the door creak, I get scared.
- The creak of the door sent his sons racing after him.
- But creak open the iron gate, and another world emerges.
- The cable began to creak against the side of the ship.
- There was a rattle and a creak from behind me.
- Some of the floorboards are loose and they creak when you walk on them.
- The only sound was the creak of a sign swinging in the wind.
- Don’t creak the door.
- Creak, Qian puts down a black.
- Creak , Kami puts down a black.
- But the machinery continued to creak.
- After a while, through the partially open cabin hatch, she heard the bed creak beneath his weight.
- Above them, the branches of the oak tree were beginning to creak and sway.
- I scurried under the tractor as the doors began to creak open.a