crater - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of crater in Hindi
- गड्ढा
- ज्वालामुखी पहाड का मुख
crater Definition
- a large, bowl-shaped cavity in the ground or on the surface of a planet or the moon, typically one caused by an explosion or the impact of a meteorite or other celestial body.
- a large bowl used in ancient Greece for mixing wine.
- form a crater in (the ground or a planet).
crater Example
- a great plume of gas and ash rises above the crater ( गैस और राख का एक बड़ा ढेर गड्ढा से ऊपर उठता है )
- Brady started around the crater towards the southern route. ( ब्रैडी गड्ढा के चारों ओर दक्षिणी मार्ग की ओर शुरू हुआ। )
- Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano. ( ज्वालामुखी के क्रेटर से लावा उबल रहा था। )
- They blasted a huge crater in the runway. ( उन्होंने रनवे में एक बड़ा गड्ढा उड़ा दिया। )
More Sentence
- The crater was two miles across and roughly circular.
- To the south-east of the lake is the Monte Nuovo, a volcanic hill upheaved in 1538, with a deep extinct crater in the centre.
- Remarkable for the largest crater in the world.
- m.), besides the small crater 1 In 1909 Albert Edward Nyanza was renamed by British geo lakes of Toro and Ankole (singularly beautiful), the lake-swamps Salisbury and Kirkpatrick in the Eastern province, Lakes Wamala in Buganda, and Kachera in Ankole.
- Flows of lava radiated out from the volcano's crater.
- They came to the lip of a dead crater.
- We peered over the lip of the crater into the volcano.
- A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened.
- above the level of the sea, on the narrow south-western edge of the extinct crater of Rocca Monfina.
- above the sea, Diamond Head, a crater about 760 ft.
- Eruption in 1905, when the main crater was enlarged to a length of 3000 ft.
- The crater is densely overgrown with oaks and beeches which harbour wild boars and wolves.
- In both of these the crater form is very clearly marked.
- Bomb, though, and you just leave an empty crater.
- About 10 U . N . soldiers were examining the crater.
- Some of the craters are as big as half my palm.
- Nearer the crater, the sun disappeared in a thick fog.
- First of all the measureless crater was filled with light like a bowl with fire.
- Up she climbed until the full terrors of the boiling crater of Kilawea burst on her sight.
- Several scenes I filmed of the enormous crater and of the cut-down fruit trees.
- It may be a volcanic eruption, or a lake of fire such as the crater of Kilauea.
- I tumbled out and ran as fast as possible to the other side of the crater and reached there just as the horsemen arrived.
- The black walls of the crater rose about them till it seemed they swam on the bottom of a great bowl.
- Far away to the right the great projecting socket of the crater flickered intermittently with a nerve of fire.
- Then there was a little crater of incandescent fury, as though a small volcano had erupted in the wall.
- No longer active, Sunset Crater nevertheless is a stunning sight.
- But unceasing throughout her work is that crater of unfilled space.
- Once there and peering down into the crater, reactions vary.
- And, what can you find at the Crater of Diamonds?
- It is an old volcanic crater, nearly 2 m.
- he has the offensive power to crater the enemy's runways
- the blast left a crater in the car park