crate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of crate in Hindi
- टोकरा
- खांचा
- झांपा
crate Definition
- a slatted wooden case used for transporting or storing goods.
- an old and dilapidated vehicle.
- pack (something) in a crate for transportation.
crate Example
- a milk crate ( दूध का टोकरा )
- She moved to the nearest empty crate and placed the baby inside it. ( वह पास के खाली टोकरे में चली गई और बच्चे को उसके अंदर रख दिया। )
- They carried the crate back to the building acting as a nursery. ( वे टोकरे को नर्सरी के रूप में कार्य करते हुए वापस भवन में ले गए। )
- Tom used a crowbar to pry open the lid of the crate. ( टॉम ने टोकरे का ढक्कन खोलने के लिए क्राउबार का इस्तेमाल किया। )
More Sentence
- Nearby were more of the assassin.s belongings: a few books in a large crate full of dark clothes.
- crate of beer in my neighbor's house.
- Of course, there could certainly be another cause behind your dog's sudden aversion to his crate, but the sudden behavior change taken into consideration with his age indicates a trip to the vet may be in order.
- I suppose you'll need a crowbar to open that crate.
- I want to let you all know that I respect your opinions about crate training, but I wanted to give you my humble opinion why I believe crate training your dog can be a positive and useful thing to do.
- crate of 12 bottles for the cost of 8 - bargain!
- Then they were asked to find a crate of construction supplies and deliver it to one of our NPCs (non-player character), named Higgins, who shipped the supplies to the residents of Skyland, so that they can rebuild their homes.
- The idea is that the bike is race-ready straight from the crate.
- Hearst had to pay 65 laborers for nine months to dismantle the monastery, crate it up and move it.
- I got to sit down after that, and I find a wooden crate.
- Then that silly season when the oil rigs blew like bottles in a crate of excited stout.
- Pepita began to pick up the fallen bananas and place them back in their crate.
- Sam Fong had stopped dusting the cans and had given up trying to fathom the writing on the crate.
- He pulled the small plastic box free and laid it on top of the crate, fumbling in his jacket pocket for something.
- Couples can embrace an aquatic theme with seashells, dolphins, or other marine life accents, or they can adopt local customs and crate truly unique events that honor not only the couple, but also the location.
- Even if you don't already have a crate, purchasing one to use for whelping may be a good choice since it can serve double duty rather than needing to be packed away until the next time you are dealing with a litter of puppies.
- Puppies are young and very curious at this age, and you want to keep a happy mood, especially if you are going to crate train or use a play pen for when you do not have your eyes on the puppy at all times.
- This will make him resent the crate and not consider it his safe haven.
- Place a tray of frozen water inside the crate.
- Purchase an airline approved travel crate, and label it with "LIVE ANIMAL", your contact info, and your pet's destination.
- a crate of bananas
- a crate of beer