cranial - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cranial in Hindi
- कपाल
- कपालीय
- करोटीय
- करोटी संबंधी
cranial Definition
- relating to the skull or cranium.
cranial Example
- Osborn, "The Cranial Evolution of Titanotherium," Bull. ( ओसबोर्न, "द क्रैनियल इवोल्यूशन ऑफ़ टाइटेनोथेरियम," बुल। )
- Subsequent investigations showed normal results on cranial computed tomography with only alcohol present in the urine drug screen. ( बाद की जांच में यूरिन ड्रग स्क्रीन में मौजूद केवल अल्कोहल के साथ कपाल कंप्यूटेड टोमोग्राफी पर सामान्य परिणाम दिखाई दिए। )
- The skull as a whole is greatly elongated, chiefly in consequence of the immense size of the face as compared with the hinder or true cranial portion. ( समग्र रूप से खोपड़ी बहुत लम्बी है, मुख्यतः चेहरे के विशाल आकार के परिणामस्वरूप बाधा या सच्चे कपाल भाग की तुलना में। )
- And, of course, we harness the cranial material of the descendants of the colonists. ( और, ज़ाहिर है, हम उपनिवेशवादियों के वंशजों की कपाल सामग्री का उपयोग करते हैं। )
More Sentence
- It yielded after causing only moderate cranial discomfort, but as it did I found my feet caught up in something.
- The skull is high, with -the facial and cranial portions approximately equal.
- Squamosal small, intercalated in the cranial wall: Ilysiidae.
- Huxley, " On the Classification of Birds and on the Taxonomic Value of the Modifications of certain of the Cranial Bones..."
- However, there is little scientific evidence to suggest that cranial osteopathy or craniosacral therapy are effective. Copy
- My project explores efforts by craniologists to pin down with certainty the extent of the range of variation in human cranial capacity.
- We did not include unsexed adults and did not measure skull length of subadult individuals with unfused cranial sutures.
- After that, students should be able to do a systematic examination of cranial nerves.
- From the brain stem emerge pairs of cranial nerves, analogous to the spinal nerves that innervate the limbs and trunk.
- Tension-type headache may be stress related or associated with functional or structural cervical or cranial musculoskeletal abnormality.
- The striated muscles innervated by cranial nerves are usually affected the most severely.
- Her higher functions, cranial nerve examination, and motor and sensory examinations were all within normal limits.
- Cranial nerve palsies of the third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves may occur, affecting extraocular motility.
- Your peripheral nervous system includes nerves in your face, arms, legs, torso, and some cranial nerves.
- There are attachments to all the cranial nerves, as well as the internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries.
- Its bulk alone (equal to that of an orange) causes serious disturbances, and its choice of the liver, kidneys, lungs, cranial cavity and other deep-seated recesses, gives rise to profound alterations.
- The integuments of the head are divided into non-imbricate shields or plates, symmetrically arranged, but not corresponding in size or shape with the underlying cranial bones or having any relation to them.
- Garson, "On Cranial Characters of the Natives of Timor-Laut," Journ.
- The facial portion of the skull is generally shorter than the cranial; the orbit is freely open behind; and the premaxillae tend to be reduced and fused with the nasals.
- Physicians have performed cranial separations only five times in the past decade.
- Craniometric characters represent size-adjusted linear measurements between standard cranial landmarks.
- It's difficult to see cranial in a sentence .
- Cranial nerves have paths within and outside of the skull.
- Magnetic resonance imaging allows direct visualization of the cranial nerves.
- Underlying each of these are motor nuclei for the respective cranial nerves.
- The fibers of these cranial nerves exit the brainstem from these nuclei.
- Systemic causes could include multiple sclerosis or expanding cranial tumors.
- Like the other cranial bones it is classed as a flat bone.
- The cranial pia mater covers the surface of the brain.
- Owing to this joint the whole upper beak can be moved up and down with extra facility, according to the shoving forwards or backwards of the palato-pterygo-quadrate apparatus which moves sledge - like upon the cranial basis.