craftsmanship - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of craftsmanship in Hindi

  • शिल्प कौशल
  • शिल्पकारिता
  • दस्तकारी

craftsmanship Definition


  • skill in a particular craft.

craftsmanship Example

  • I admire his engineering skills and craftsmanship ( मैं उनके इंजीनियरिंग कौशल और शिल्प कौशल की प्रशंसा करता हूं )
  • With his fine craftsmanship not even he could. ( अपने बेहतरीन शिल्प कौशल के साथ वह भी नहीं कर सकता था। )
  • Egypt has a long and ancient history of amazing craftsmanship and. ( मिस्र में अद्भुत शिल्प कौशल का एक लंबा और प्राचीन इतिहास है। )
  • Moroccan craftsmanship is not to be under stated, as it is very lovely. ( मोरक्को के शिल्प कौशल को कम नहीं बताया जाना चाहिए, क्योंकि यह बहुत प्यारा है। )

More Sentence

  • Craftsmanship required thought, and thought required a quiet environment.
  • In literary craftsmanship, at once versatile and accomplished, he has no superior and scarcely a rival.
  • The advance in craftsmanship and command over the materiel of verse shown since the volume of 1830 is absolutely astounding.
  • The building was a superb example of craftsmanship from an era when quality was meant to survive those skilled men who proudly worked it.
  • His restlessness leads us at times to a comparison with Skelton, not in respect of any parallelism of idea or literary craftsmanship, but in his experimental zeal in turning the diction and tuning the rhythms of the chaotic English which only Chaucer's genius had reduced to order.
  • We are attracted to Beltrees and his kinsmen less by their craftsmanship than by the fact that they supplied the leaders of the vernacular revival of the 18th century with many subjects and versemodels, and that by their treatment of these subjects and models, based on the practice of an earlier day, they complete the evidence of the continuity of the domestic popular type of Scots verse.
  • Trace's prices are very reasonable for the quality and craftsmanship found in them.  
  • Shilparamam, the crafts village at Madhapur, has yet again become the venue for the display of craftsmanship of weavers and handicraft artisans.  
  • Throughout her life also, she created many articles of craftsmanship in knitting, sewing and other handcrafts.  
  • A jar of precious moskonfyt, the dark amber syrup made from hanepoot, captures time and craftsmanship.  
  • The main carvings are in haut-relief on the stone facing of the cathedral, showing superb skill and craftsmanship.  
  • Opulent style, fine craftsmanship, and authentic details elevate Paris Las Vegas far above the ordinary.  
  • As Paul Russell explains, the legacy of this craftsmanship was to prove useful to both the Normans and succeeding generations.  
  • The exclusive designs and superior craftsmanship evident in their execution meant that they were only accessible to a wealthy elite.
  • Archaeologists are acquainted with objects of early art and craftsmanship, rude clay pipkins and stone weapons, which can only be classed as " human," and which do not bear much impress of any one national taste and skill.
  • The French found Moscow abandoned but with all the organizations of regular life, with diverse branches of commerce and craftsmanship, with luxury, and governmental and religious institutions.
  • The craftsmanship was superb, and with very little effort, the wanderer.
  • Though it was a sleep of Nefer’s craftsmanship the corners corroded some.
  • It was obviously handmade; the craftsmanship was far beyond store bought quality.
  • I have never seen anything to match the craftsmanship and quality of this luggage.
  • Lot of craftsmanship gets used for creating the beautiful Garden Patio Furniture set.
  • The smooth walls were intricately covered with chiseled designs of beautiful craftsmanship.
  • Fleurette was even more suitably impressed by Charlie's level of knowledge and craftsmanship.
  • Beautiful murals, truly astonishing, revealed themselves through the craftsmanship and the silence.
  • She looked too old to be carrying all the jewelry she had on her, objects of astounding craftsmanship.
  • Harry saw his eyes grow large and unblinking at the craftsmanship being explained and reviewed in front of his blank face.
  • Like most of her father’s chambers the room was a precise combination of Spartan efficiency and high quality craftsmanship.
  • I mention this, not to deplore, but to mark the death of one kind of craftsmanship and skill that was very close to art and beauty.
  • The quality of the craftsmanship, undoubtedly authentic, the colour of the gold, the semi-precious stones and faience, all perfect.
  • The craftsmanship and artistry of the piece was so accurate and lifelike in detail, Joel found it hard to take his eyes off of the figurines.
  • a piece of fine craftsmanship