counsellor - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of counsellor in Hindi

  • काउंसलर
  • परामर्शदाता
  • सलाहकार

counsellor Definition


  • a person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems.
  • a senior officer in the diplomatic service.

counsellor Example

  • a counselor at the Russian embassy ( रूसी दूतावास में एक काउंसलर )
  • a debt counselor ( एक ऋण परामर्शदाता )
  • I went to a counselor for guidance on my career. ( मैं अपने करियर पर मार्गदर्शन के लिए एक काउंसलर के पास गया। )
  • Confidentiality is implicit in your relationship with a counselor. ( काउंसलर के साथ आपके संबंधों में गोपनीयता निहित है। )

More Sentence

  • His elder sister had been his guide,counselor,and friend.
  • He handled his responsibilities as a counselor in an intelligent and caring fashion.
  • The counselor would then electronically graze the 70 categorical pots of money.
  • For the one principal and one guidance counselor to have constant contact with all our kids would be an impossibility.
  • But senior presidential counselor Thomas F . " Mack"
  • Father: A counselor from your school called today and told me a lot of students have been taking drugs.
  • It may be a guidance counselor who is interested in getting the school to develop strategies to help work-inhibited students.
  • Talk to your counselor about the best way to handle this, and follow his or her advice.
  • “Kids think they’re invincible,” said the school’s drug counselor.
  • In high school, her counselor advised her either to go to vocational school or to stay home.
  • Counselor Cassidy says he is still a die-hard conservative.
  • It's difficult to see counselor in a sentence .
  • Sir John Gielgud stands out as a counselor to Lady Guinevere.
  • Part of it is the head counselor's excellent attitude.
  • The head counselor tried to put a positive spin on it.
  • From time to time, the counselor might reflect back to the child what is happening.
  • The counselor contemplates these counseling agreements in light of God's eternal covenant through prayerful reflection.  
  • Find a counselor or therapist who specializes in social skills to help you develop the abilities you seek.  
  • A counselor or school psychologist can help identify practical solutions that make it easier for the child and family to cope day by day.  
  • Ignore all the usual advice about careful writing and proofreading given by every job counselor you know.  
  • Mary and the agency counselor meet each week to discuss the progress of his groups.  
  • Above the seats across from where I was sitting were advertisements for wart removal cream, invisible braces, and a debt counselor.  
  • Now she was working as a receptionist and sometime counselor, but she was planning to become a paralegal and, after that, an attorney.  
  • His involvement as a lead counselor in the lawsuit connects him to his past relationships, and Seattle University.  
  • As a camp counselor working with inner-city children, I tried to imagine the life these campers live.  
  • After so many other thrills, another counselor says she will take the kids for a walk in the forest.
  • a marriage counselor