correspondingly - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of correspondingly in Hindi
- तदनुसार
- अनुरूपता से
- समरूपता से
correspondingly Definition
- in an analogous or equivalent way.
correspondingly Example
- it has fewer problems and correspondingly requires less maintenance ( इसमें कम समस्याएं हैं और तदनुसार कम रखरखाव की आवश्यकता है )
- To these phenomena he gives accordingly a correspondingly early date. ( इन घटनाओं के लिए वह तदनुसार एक प्रारंभिक तिथि देता है। )
- While their resources are exceedingly limited their needs and desires are correspondingly few. ( जबकि उनके संसाधन अत्यधिक सीमित हैं, उनकी जरूरतें और इच्छाएं तदनुसार कम हैं। )
- His extremely wide and varied experience with the opposite sex had made him correspondingly wise. ( विपरीत लिंग के साथ उनके अत्यंत व्यापक और विविध अनुभव ने उन्हें तदनुसार बुद्धिमान बना दिया था। )
More Sentence
- The financial distress which has followed, has correspondingly affected many other industries.
- The deer was the largest he had yet laid low, and he was correspondingly proud of the showing.
- Through this individuality it is, therefore, full of associations, and correspondingly beloved.
- He was a giant in build, being much over six feet in height, and correspondingly powerful.
- It was a great hunt, and the Americans were correspondingly proud of their success.
- I was deprived of the use of all external faculties, while those of the soul were correspondingly increased.
- Rolling stock was correspondingly small, and the counting of the trucks in the sidings was not difficult.
- Meanwhile the education of the race of men and women who once dwelt there has correspondingly lost its culture aspect.
- By this means the general executive authority of the state is weakened and its responsibility correspondingly diminished.
- On the other hand, the value of the products they can destroy is raised in a correspondingly high degree.
- As they carried on business on a large scale, it may be supposed that the traffic was correspondingly great.
- The international author list includes most of the current key players in impact-related studies and the quality of the individual contributions is correspondingly high.
- Columns have generally to bear a heavier weight than walls, and have to be correspondingly stronger.
- Correspondingly, men and women with the greatest burden of childcare responsibilities had increased risk of psychological distress, but this risk was significantly greater for men.
- The hot drought of 1893 extended over the spring and summer months, but there was an abundant rainfall in the autumn; correspondingly there was an unprecedentedly bad yield of corn and hay crops, but a moderately fair yield of the main root crops (turnips and swedes).
- The Great Plains are under correspondingly unfavourable conditions, for their scanty rainfall is of very variable amount.
- - Tropho- some unknown; gonosome, free medusae, with deep, bell-shaped umbrella, with interradial gonads on the base of the stomach, with branched radial canals, and correspondingly numerous hollow tentacles.
- greenish colour, so that they offer no attractions to insect visitors and their form is correspondingly regular.
- The keel is pushed back to the distal third of the sternum, whilst the original anterior margin of the keel is correspondingly elongated,and the furcula fused with the rostral portion.
- In the wheeled plough some of the weight and downward pull due to its action on the ground is taken by the wheels; the sliding friction is thus to some extent converted into a rolling friction, and the draught is correspondingly diminished.
- Iron.The iron-mines of France are more numerous than its coalmines, but they do not yield a sufficient quantity of ore for the needs of the metallurgical industries of the country; as will be seen in the table below the production of iron in France gradually increased during the 19th century; on the other hand, a decline in prices operated against a correspondingly marked increase in its annual value.
- Correspondingly, Flavors was valued at 10.
- Their price index declined, correspondingly, from 110.
- The four angels correspondingly symbolize the four 1440-year.
- ASC beyond the limits of human status, and correspondingly those.
- This was a terrible insult, and Napoleon was correspondingly enraged.
- In the megaphyllous forms, on the other hand, (Ferns) whose leaves are large relatively to the stem, the departure of the correspondingly large trace causes a gap (leaf-gap) in the vascular cylinder, as already described.