correction - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of correction in Hindi
- भूल सुधार
- सुधार
- संशोधन
- शुद्धि
- शोधन
correction Definition
- the action or process of correcting something.
correction Example
- isotopic ratios are presented normalized to NBS SRM981 using a fractionation correction of 0.101% per a.m.u ( समस्थानिक अनुपात 0.101% प्रति a.m.u के अंश सुधार का उपयोग करके NBS SRM981 के लिए सामान्यीकृत प्रस्तुत किए जाते हैं )
- they're still looking for the market to go up and believe we are just going through a correction ( वे अभी भी बाजार के ऊपर जाने की तलाश में हैं और मानते हैं कि हम अभी सुधार के दौर से गुजर रहे हैं )
- To this army must be added the controlling agency, of at least a tenth of the above number, charged with the instruction of their subordinates, the inspection and correction of the preliminary record, and the transmission of the schedule books to the local centre after the census has been taken. ( इस सेना में उपरोक्त संख्या के कम से कम दसवें हिस्से को नियंत्रित करने वाली एजेंसी को जोड़ा जाना चाहिए, जो अपने अधीनस्थों के निर्देश, प्रारंभिक रिकॉर्ड के निरीक्षण और सुधार, और अनुसूची पुस्तकों के प्रसारण के बाद स्थानीय केंद्र में स्थानांतरित करने का आरोप लगाती है। जनगणना की गई है। )
- That will basically cover fifty…correction sixty percent of all charges. ( इसमें मूल रूप से पचास ... सभी शुल्कों का साठ प्रतिशत सुधार शामिल होगा। )
More Sentence
- Additional information can often be used to increase correction accuracy and speed, for example by studying the sources of errors.
- If the original statement requires correction it is presumably necessary to seek leave to amend although the rules are silent on this.
- Proof correction marks a standard set of signs and symbols used in copy preparation and to indicate corrections on proofs.
- Error correction is what modems do to compensate when bits get lost or scrambled because the phone connection is less than perfect.
- A correction for this effect has already been included in the comparison made in Fig. 8.5.
- Correction: I have given up smoking.
- Theirs was a correction of smug Victorian concepts, a crusade sprung from reactive energies.
- Analysis: the correction process enables students to understand their errors and the language options available to them.
- Bouguer anomalies include a correction for altitude but only on the basis of an average crustal density.
- The Department of Correction, in a blunder Ryan shakes her head over still, inadvertently gave Carter her home address.
- This correction of 200 ft/min is achieved by raising or lowering the pitch attitude a maximum of a half-bar. 6.
- Do not forget to keep the subject within the parallax correction mark.
- The Swiss diet decided in 1804 to undertake the "correction" of this turbulent stream.
- This correction may be indicated in the diagram by a straight line drawn from o through the point at which the line of I = moo intersects that of H = o 28 (Rayleigh, Phil.
- Since 1890 further and more rigorous application of the telegraphic method of determining longitudes differentially with Greenwich has resulted in a slight correction (amounting to about 2" of arc) to the previous determination by the same method through Suez.
- Since the difference between the acceleration of gravity at the pole and at the equator is about 2%, the correction for latitude will be quite sensible in an instrument which might be used at various times in high and low latitudes.
- I checked the typing for errors and sent it back for correction