cordially - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cordially in Hindi

  • सादर
  • हृदय से
  • मन से

cordially Definition


  • in a warm and friendly way.
  • with intense feeling.

cordially Example

  •  He greeted her most cordially. ( उन्होंने उनका सबसे गर्मजोशी से अभिवादन किया। )
  • You are cordially invited to attend the annual parish meeting. ( वार्षिक पंचायत बैठक में भाग लेने के लिए आप सादर आमंत्रित हैं। )
  • They cordially detest each other. ( वे सौहार्दपूर्वक एक दूसरे से घृणा करते हैं। )
  • On a personal level, they came to be cordially disliked. ( व्यक्तिगत स्तर पर, उन्हें सौहार्दपूर्वक नापसंद किया जाने लगा। )

More Sentence

  • You are cordially invited to our wedding on May 9.
  • .Dorothea put out her hand and said her good-by cordially.
  • John and Ruth Shipley greeted Michael cordially when he and.
  • He hung out with other people, chatted, and acted cordially.
  • Sir Thomas was most cordially anxious for the perfection of Mr.
  • Vabueretti, hi! Giovanni’s father greeted them cordially.
  • On the surface, the magicians act cordially but disinterestedly.
  • Nowhere else are they taken so cordially and frankly by the hand.
  • He met his visitor cordially, was serious and exquisitely polite.
  • He took Whitey cordially by the elbow and escorted him to the door.
  • They hailed us cordially.
  • They all greeted me very cordially and were eager to talk about the new project.
  • he was greeted cordially by the archbishop
  • He was cordially received by Louis XVIII.; his military rank was confirmed, he was named colonel-general of hussars, and such of the vast Orleans estates as had not been sold were restored to him by royal ordinance.
  • Pitt received him cordially; and to Grenville the envoy stated his hope that the two free nations would enter into close and friendly relations, each guaranteeing the other in the possession of its existing territories, India and Ireland being included on the side of Britain.
  • Pierre did not answer, but looked cordially into the Frenchman's eyes whose expression of sympathy was pleasing to him.
  • And when after Pierre's departure Helene returned to Petersburg, she was received by all her acquaintances not only cordially, but even with a shade of deference due to her misfortune.
  • Upon returning to Italy he was cordially welcomed and reinstated in his former position.
  • For some time he did not co-operate very cordially with Great Britain.
  • He soon made himself cordially detested by Russians of every class.
  • But from a military point of view it was not at all cordially approved by Sir George White, and it was afterwards condemned by Lord Roberts.
  • He was cordially received, but in February learned that his nomination had been rejected by the Senate on the 25th of January.
  • (whom he afterwards cordially supported), removed to Modena, where his youngest son had most of his early education.
  • he was cordially detested for his brutality and injustice