amusing - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of amusing in Hindi

  • मनोरंजक
  • दिलचस्प
  • मज़े का
  • रम्य
  • सुखदायक
  • हास्यप्रद

amusing Definition


  • causing laughter or providing entertainment. ( हँसी पैदा करने या मनोरंजन प्रदान करने के लिए। )
  • cause (someone) to find something funny; entertain. ( कारण (किसी को) कुछ अजीब खोजने के लिए; मनोरंजन। )


  • provide interesting and enjoyable occupation for (someone). ( (किसी को) के लिए दिलचस्प और सुखद व्यवसाय प्रदान करें। )

amusing Example

  • Along the way he meets a variety of outlandish and amusing animal characters, each of which has its own distinctive style of dance and music. ( जिस तरह से वह विभिन्न प्रकार के बाह्य और मनोरंजक पशु पात्रों से मिलता है, जिनमें से प्रत्येक की नृत्य और संगीत की अपनी विशिष्ट शैली है। )
  • It's a stream of consciousness one man play about a man with a bucket on his head and is amusing and interesting rather than riotously funny. ( यह चेतना की एक धारा है जो एक आदमी अपने सिर पर एक बाल्टी के साथ एक आदमी के बारे में खेलता है और दंगाई मजाकिया के बजाय मनोरंजक और दिलचस्प है। )
  • Mary hid her laughter; she knew of the amusing masquerade that the two were carrying on. ( मैरी ने अपनी हँसी छुपा ली; वह मनोरंजक बहाना जानता था कि दोनों चल रहे थे। )
  • Invariably, the play is enacted at home, perhaps in front of parents and siblings who might find it all very amusing . ( वास्तव में, नाटक को घर पर लागू किया जाता है, शायद माता-पिता और भाई-बहनों के सामने, जो यह सब बहुत मनोरंजक हो सकता है। )
  • The film is essentially about two women's desire to conceive and the amusing situations that result from this. ( फिल्म अनिवार्य रूप से दो महिलाओं की गर्भधारण की इच्छा और इससे उत्पन्न होने वाली मनोरंजक स्थितियों के बारे में है। )

More Sentence

  • The concluding item was an amusing sketch which took everyone by surprise as the finish was wholly unexpected.
  • It is in appalling taste and naturally I therefore found it very amusing .
  • So the amusing photo that doesn't look anything like me is up instead.
  • It wasn't much of a movie, but had a slightly novel concept and some amusing things to look at.
  • I made this little quiz and I thought you might find it amusing .
  • The speeches can sometimes be awful but his was very amusing .
  • Are you here because you want to be wowed by my amazing writing skills and entertained by my amusing descriptions of the quirks of the world?
  • Sorry about the lack of light hearted and amusing posts recently.
  • Declarations of love and lustful interest can often be both amusing and embarrassing simultaneously.
  • It seems that guys brag about it all the time, which I find to be quite amusing .
  • But it does have the amusing benefit of pulling out randomly entertaining figures and presenting them as charts.
  • Jared finds this amusing , so I hang up on him as the laughter peals through the phone line.
  • If you're really interested in this as more than just an amusing news item, check the post out.
  • The barefoot bass player was most entertaining as he hammed it up with his amusing stage antics.
  • There was an incredibly amusing interview with the cast a while back with some more about the deleted scenes.
  • Last time I experienced blizzards and snow drifts like that was in 1962 when, amusingly enough, I was living in Lincolnshire.
  • I was expecting nuns to be bussed in, purely so they could faint amusingly , or cover the eyes of small children who definitely shouldn't have been there.
  • On the bus I befriend a punky little Quebecois tree planter and a kid from Beaumont who amusingly make fun of some of the other passengers.
  • Los Angeles has a long, distinguished tradition of amusingly named Agricultural Commissioners.
  • A selection of incorrectly, and sometimes amusingly , addressed letters pass through the city's two sorting offices every day.