contraints - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of contraints in Hindi

  • प्रतिबंध
  • बाध्यताएं
  • दबाव

contraints Definition


  • a limitation or restriction.

contraints Example

  • Liberty, he holds, is simply freedom from constraint, " the power. ( स्वतंत्रता, उनका मानना ​​है, बस बाधा से मुक्ति है, "शक्ति। )
  • All states have an age constraint restricting minors. ( सभी राज्यों में नाबालिगों को प्रतिबंधित करने वाली आयु सीमा है। )
  • This constraint makes a good anagram much harder to find. ( यह बाधा एक अच्छे विपर्यय को खोजने में बहुत कठिन बनाती है। )
  • Outbreaks of Newcastle Disease (fowl pest) are the main constraint to village chicken production, causing fatalities of up to 100% . ( न्यूकैसल रोग (मुर्गी कीट) का प्रकोप गाँव के चिकन उत्पादन में मुख्य बाधा है, जिससे 100% तक मौतें होती हैं। )

More Sentence

  • These are the block (or interleaver) size, the encoder constraint length and the number of decoder iterations performed.
  • On the whole it seems safe to assert that it was the change in France far more than the change in his health which brought about the manifest constraint of the emperor in the Hundred Days.
  • Financial and legal constraints do not permit us to do so.
  • But given the time constraints, it would not be easy.
  • But for Clapton, those sources are springboards, not constraints.
  • Every single item has been difficult because of the time constraints.
  • Everyone has a grave concern with the budgetary constraints upon us.
  • Finances will not be a constraint at all for this group,
  • And with two exceptions, these constraints extend to his cast.
  • At a time of budgetary constraints, what can be done?
  • You can't set artificial constraints on it ."
  • Like the Internet, Usenet is freewheeling and without many constraints.
  • As regards the latter consideration, it is enough to say that nowhere has productive industry developed itself in the form of voluntary effort; in every country of which we have any knowledge it was imposed by the strong upon the weak, and was wrought into the habits of the people only by the stern discipline of constraint.
  • For many applications, however, the constraint they provide is too coarse.
  • XtSetValues then calls the constraint set_values procedures so that the parent can recompute derived constraint set_values procedures so that the parent can recompute derived constraint fields and move or resize the child as appropriate.
  • In any civil engineering hydraulics projects, water represents a constraint, a risk on the life cycle of the infrastructure.