continued - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of continued in Hindi

  • निरंतर
  • अविच्छिन्नित

continued Definition


  • without a break in continuity; ongoing.

continued Example

  • he asked for their continued support ( उन्होंने उनके निरंतर समर्थन के लिए कहा )
  • She continued to pack in silence. ( वह चुपचाप पैक करती रही। )
  • As the unrest continued, the death toll rose . ( जैसे-जैसे अशांति जारी रही, मरने वालों की संख्या बढ़ती गई। )
  • They overrode my protest and continued with the meeting. ( उन्होंने मेरे विरोध पर काबू पा लिया और बैठक जारी रखी। )
  • Elsa continued as if nothing was amiss. ( एल्सा जारी रहा जैसे कि कुछ भी गलत नहीं था। )

More Sentence

  • Because of the continued loss, the factory closed down.
  • I continued working. Meantime, he went out shopping.
  • He continued to find the Simpsons uncongenial bores.
  • His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.
  • After a pause he continued his story.
  • The ship continued sailing eastwards.
  • The storm continued most of the night.
  • She continued to assert that she was innocent.
  • "It wasn't exactly a fun party, anyway," he continued as if none of them had spoken.
  • But they continued to fall, all together, and the boy and girl had no difficulty in remaining upon the seat, just as they were before.
  • The prince was working at the lathe and after glancing round continued his work.
  • The disease has continued to perplex doctors.
  • Share prices continued their downward trend.
  • The birds returned to their nests and continued to incubate the eggs.
  • The daily work continued;nay, it actually increased.
  • We hope we can count on your continued cooperation and support.
  • Shares continued to depreciate on the stock markets today.
  • Things continued quiet for some while.
  • She answered him and continued her chatter.
  • She continued to type while I put in the call.
  • She pulled the car back on the road and continued toward the Giddon place.
  • When he continued to watch her without response, she sighed.
  • But Pierre continued his speech without heeding her.
  • the continued existence of the monarchy
  • Congress overrode the veto and the Freedmen's Bureau continued to operate for a number of years.
  • In dreams, Hobson continued, complex motor patterns are activated.
  • Analysts said CBS is unlikely to continue operations as they were.
  • It's difficult to see continued in a sentence .
  • The gap between the lead runner and the rest of the field continued to widen.  
  • The stock market has continued to rise, except for a slight hiccup earlier this month.  
  • Concern arose that academics were taking over Austen criticism and that it was becoming increasingly esoteric, a debate that has continued since.  
  • The payments continued until 1835, when they were replaced by a capital settlement.