archbishop - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of archbishop in Hindi
- मुख्य धर्माध्यक्ष
- पाधान धर्माध्यक्ष
- प्रधान पादरी
archbishop Definition
- the chief bishop responsible for an archdiocese. ( मुख्य धर्माध्यक्ष एक कट्टरपंथी के लिए जिम्मेदार है। )
archbishop Example
- As leader of the Anglican Communion, the archbishop faced growing demands on his time from Anglican churches abroad. ( एंग्लिकन कम्युनियन के नेता के रूप में, आर्चबिशप को विदेशों में एंग्लिकन चर्चों से अपने समय पर बढ़ती मांगों का सामना करना पड़ा। )
- Into the silence, the archbishop now read the numbers that had been handed to him. ( मौन में, धनुर्धर अब उन नंबरों को पढ़ें जो उसे सौंपे गए थे। )
- The archbishop is also chair of the Central Board, which is elected by the Church Assembly. ( आर्कबिशप सेंट्रल बोर्ड की भी कुर्सी है, जिसे चर्च असेंबली द्वारा चुना जाता है। )
- To me, he resembled what I knew of my kindly uncle, a late archbishop of Chicago. ( मेरे लिए, वह शिकागो के एक दिवंगत धनुर्धर, मेरे दयालु चाचा के बारे में जो जानता था, जैसा था। )
- The Orthodox Church is headed by a patriarch, presiding over the Holy Synod, with a hierarchy of regional archbishops , bishops, and priests. ( रूढ़िवादी चर्च की अध्यक्षता एक पितृसत्ता द्वारा की जाती है, जो पवित्र धर्मसभा की अध्यक्षता करता है, जिसमें क्षेत्रीय द्वीपसमूह, बिशप और पुजारियों का एक पदानुक्रम होता है। )
- The new government made it clear that these rites should involve ceremonies held in the churches throughout the country - from cathedrals to parish churches - and involve clergy from archbishops to parish priests. ( नई सरकार ने यह स्पष्ट किया कि इन संस्कारों में पूरे देश के गिरिजाघरों में आयोजित समारोहों में शामिल होना चाहिए - गिरिजाघरों से लेकर पैरिश चर्चों तक - और आर्कबिशप से पादरी पुरोहितों के पादरी शामिल हैं। )
- The spiritual peerage consists of the archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Church of England. ( आध्यात्मिक सहकर्मी में इंग्लैंड के चर्च के आर्कबिशप और डायोकेसन बिशप शामिल हैं। )
- The most sophisticated organization was the church and sensible rulers devoted care to choice of archbishops and bishops. ( सबसे परिष्कृत संगठन था चर्च और समझदार शासकों ने आर्कबिशप और बिशप की पसंद के लिए समर्पित देखभाल की। )
More Sentence
- The archbishops and bishops of the Church were likewise to contribute soldiers, or an equivalent amount in money.
- Where will the opportunities be for community leaders, like the churches, the bishops and the archbishops in the capital cities and in the regional centres, to make their submissions?
- With deference to tradition, the cardinals went first, archbishops and bishops followed and the priests came last.
- Nigeria is the largest Anglican ‘province’ in the world with 17 million members, 81 bishops, and 10 archbishops .
- In the Catholic tradition male priests, especially bishops and archbishops , still demand an enormous amount of respect and authority.
- Over both parish and monastery were set the diocesan bishops, who were themselves subject to archbishops, archbishops to primates, and primates to the pope who stood at the apex.
- Specifically, the Board urges a revival of the oversight role of metropolitans, i.e., archbishops overseeing bishops in their province.
- At the top of the clerical pyramid were 136 bishops and archbishops , whose income in the most important ecclesiastical sees could exceed 100,000 livres.
- Cardinals, archbishops , bishops, clergy and civilian dignitaries, including some from abroad, will participate in the function.
- Moreover, the greater power the Carolingians gave to the archbishops over their bishops had led the latter to seek to safeguard their threatened independence by placing themselves under the direct protection of Rome.
- But this time some 69 cardinals and 1,228 bishops and archbishops had supported the campaign for beatification.
- Seats went to archbishops and bishops of the province's twenty-three dioceses, owners of twenty-three baronies, and sixty-eight deputies of the Third Estate.