contend - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of contend in Hindi
- संघर्ष करना
- बहस करना
- विरोध करना
- दृढ़तापूर्वक कहना
- विवाद करना
- झगड़ना
- दावा करना
- तर्क प्रस्तुत करना
contend Definition
- struggle to surmount (a difficulty or danger).
- assert something as a position in an argument.
contend Example
- The new governor had great difficulties to contend with. ( नए राज्यपाल को संघर्ष करने में बहुत कठिनाइयाँ हुईं। )
- She's had a lot of problems to contend with. ( उसे बहुत सारी समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा है। )
- The system of having one canal overlapping another has one difficulty to contend with. ( एक नहर के दूसरे को ओवरलैप करने की व्यवस्था से जूझना एक मुश्किल है। )
- Her foreign policy was as consistent as it could be considering the forces she had to contend against. ( उसकी विदेश नीति उतनी ही सुसंगत थी जितनी कि वह उन ताकतों पर विचार कर सकती थी जिनके खिलाफ उसे संघर्ष करना पड़ा था। )
More Sentence
- To obtain custody of her children in the divorce, Bridgett will contend her husband is an abusive man.
- Many of the politicians who are opposing the bill contend it will harm the middle class.
- If you argue with Janet, she will always contend you are in the wrong.
- The environmentalists contend the marine ecosystem is being destroyed at an alarming rate because of human pollution
- I like to contend with wind and wave.
- He had to contend against a strong peace party in Holland the Spaniards sheltered themselves under the English Downs by the side of an English squadron.
- the local team should contend for a division championship
- His successors possessed neither his political nor his military talents, and had to contend with more difficult circumstances.
- Some astronomers contend that the universe may be younger than previously thought.
- He contends that nuclear weapons are necessary for national defense.
- Others contend, and feel they have science to support, that humans can live beyond five hundred.
- We don't need a computer failure to contend with as well as all our other problems.
- The industrial and financial corporations had grown so powerful as to venture to contend for the first place with the authority of the government itself.
- At the age of nine, he had the death of both parents to contend with.
- When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children.
- This story may not be true (some contend that Sinope as the provenance of the statue originated in the hill of Sinopeion, i.e.
- she had to contend with his uncertain temper