gender - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of gender in Hindi
- लिंग
- व्याकरण में जातिविभाग
- पैदा करना
- मैथुन करना
gender Definition
- either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
- (in languages such as Latin, Greek, Russian, and German) each of the classes (typically masculine, feminine, common, neuter) of nouns and pronouns distinguished by the different inflections that they have and require in words syntactically associated with them. Grammatical gender is only very loosely associated with natural distinctions of sex.
gender Example
- someone of the opposite gender ( विपरीत लिंग का कोई व्यक्ति )
- adjectives usually agree with the noun in gender and number ( विशेषण आमतौर पर लिंग और संख्या में संज्ञा से सहमत होते हैं )
- traditional concepts of gender ( लिंग की पारंपरिक अवधारणाएं )
- The female protestor launched into a tirade about the injustices of gender discrimination. ( महिला प्रदर्शनकारी ने लैंगिक भेदभाव के अन्याय को लेकर तीखा हमला बोला। )
More Sentence
- The neuter gender is absent.
- There is no inflexion to distinguish number, gender or case.
- Catalan, then, makes no distinctions save in the gender and the number of its nouns.
- Semitic, on the other hand, has grammatical gender as one of its basic principles.
- It is difficult to lay down rules for the determination of the gender of names of inanimate objects.
- Lucille was by no means as experienced in the ways of the wicked gender as many younger women.
- Inflexion is unknown in Malay, and gender has no place in the grammar of the language.
- There were five members of the Council, three of the male gender and two of the female.
- Dominic, and then extended in the wrong gender to Sancta Dominica, otherwise Saint Sunday?
- Creatures of fiction and real creatures are not so radically different that they would not all of them fit into the general gender of being.
- Because an adjective is longer in the feminine than in the masculine, and with him and his like the former gender stands very little chance.
- Every noun has a gender, and there is no sense or system in the distribution; so the gender of each must be learned separately and by heart.
- Thus, after laying down as a general rule for declinable words that, when they refer to one and the same person, they must have the same case, gender and number, Priscian adds that when there are transitive words we may use different numbers, as doceo discipulos, docemus discipulum.
- Gender is sexual only.
- Adjectives are inflected for number and gender.
- video ads will target users based only on age and gender
- encouraging women and girls to join fields traditionally dominated by the male gender
- everyone always asks which gender I identify as
- I'm a strong believer that gender is fluid