congested - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of congested in Hindi

  • अतिप्रजन का
  • घना
  • अधिक भरा हुआ
  • संकुल

congested Definition


  • (of a road or place) so crowded with traffic or people as to hinder freedom of movement.
  • (of a part of the body) abnormally full of blood.

congested Example

  • his nose was congested ( उसकी नाक पर भीड़ थी )
  • He knew how the traffic congested at the junction of Seventh Avenue and Forty - second Street. ( वह जानता था कि सातवीं एवेन्यू और फोर्टी - दूसरी स्ट्रीट के जंक्शन पर ट्रैफ़िक कैसे बढ़ा। )
  • Pedestrians picked their way across congested streets. ( पैदल यात्रियों ने भीड़भाड़ वाली सड़कों पर अपना रास्ता चुना। )
  • The bus is much congested. ( बस में बहुत भीड़ है। )
  • Moving through the congested city, the cars honked their horns loudly as pedestrians darted across the roadway. ( भीड़भाड़ वाले शहर से गुज़रते हुए, कारों ने अपने सींगों को ज़ोर से दबाया, क्योंकि पैदल यात्री सड़क के पार जाते थे। )

More Sentence

  • The career ladder is congested; prospects are generally poor and it's easy to get stuck.
  • I juked my way through the congested crowds to join.
  • Sitting up, I notice that I feel extremely congested.
  • We stood silently in the congested bar avoiding each.
  • Hideous thoughts flashed through Raoul's congested brain.
  • The street and sidewalks were congested, the former with.
  • The quietness that is almost never present in a congested.
  • They set off through the congested roads of Paceville, soon.
  • Traffic had become congested as they headed for Jason’s home.
  • They directed us to a less congested room nearby via the iCom.
  • Unfortunately, that area is so nasty and so congested, they started losing business.
  • He argued the congested roads and lack of parking spaces adversely affected the town's all-important tourist industry by putting off visitors.
  • Two years later, at the early age of 50, he died in Paris, of congestion of the lungs, after only a few hours' illness.
  • The airports they fly from are often less congested and closer to city centres, cutting journey times.
  • Respiratory system Runny or congested nose, constant sore throat, catarrh or post-nasal drip, difficulty in breathing, hyperventilation.
  • A PROPERTY developer has claimed congested roads in Middlesbrough are hampering the letting of his scheme in the town's Enterprise Zone.
  • Less congested roads, he says, would increase his company's profits.
  • The main streets in the centre of the city are always very congested.
  • He first promised two weeks ago to clear Britain's congested roads.
  • High levels of car use mean our streets are more congested than ever.
  • The medication they were giving her to clear up the congestion in her lungs was making her sleep a lot, but they thought that was better than having her upset all the time.
  • For store owners to think that customer growth will come via cars to an already terribly congested downtown area is beyond belief.
  • If drivers paid the true costs of road use, they might switch to less congested times, or make fewer journeys.
  • But people complained that the Net has become too congested and slow, and too hard to make a profit on.
  • the streets are often heavily congested with traffic
  • congested arteries
  • one of the most congested airports in the world