addition - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of addition in Hindi

  • इसके अलावा
  • वृद्धि
  • जोड़
  • जोड़ने की क्रिया
  • जोड़ी गई वस्तु
  • परिवर्धन
  • योग
  • संयोजन

addition Definition

  • the action or process of adding something to something else. ( किसी चीज में कुछ जोड़ने की क्रिया या प्रक्रिया। )
  • the process or skill of calculating the total of two or more numbers or amounts.( दो या अधिक संख्याओं या राशियों की गणना करने की प्रक्रिया या कौशल। )

addition Example

  • That is addition , multiplication and the two inverse operations of subtraction and division. ( इसके अलावा, गुणन और घटाव और विभाजन के दो व्युत्क्रम संचालन हैं। )
  • the addition of extra funding is essential ( अतिरिक्त धन जुटाना जरूरी है )
  • As one might expect, multiplication of infinite decimals is more complicated than addition . ( जैसा कि कोई उम्मीद कर सकता है, अनंत दशमलव का गुणा इसके अलावा अधिक जटिल है। )
  • the shop is a great addition to the village ( दुकान गांव के लिए एक बढ़िया अतिरिक्त है )

More Sentence

  • This suggests that Component 3 is not a vector addition but could be a single component.
  • The only way is up - addition works in three dimensions but what about multiplication?
  • Make old timber look new with the addition of vinegar and blasting it with a blowtorch.
  • They are great at the game of subtraction, when the game of parliamentary politics is addition .
  • If you want to know the total force which is exerted on the body, you have to carry out a vector addition .
  • The addition of three points to his team's total is a minor calculation.
  • Superimposing the two logical operations we can define binary addition .
  • you will find the coat a useful addition to your wardrobe
  • This classic snack can be varied with the addition of thinly sliced smoked chicken or turkey and avocado.
  • A wakeboard is similar in shape to a snowboard, with the addition of two small fins on the underside.
  • With the addition of a few commas and the striking out of the one paragraph, the deal already on the table will finally go through.
  • Yet addition and also subtraction are only an extension of counting.
  • In the kitchen, a truly rural feel is added to the kitchen with the addition of a solid-fuel Aga.
  • The camera obscura box reproduced these conditions and clarified the images with the addition of a lens.
  • This is not the case these days; with the addition of violence, things have turned a bit uglier.
  • You can make them more formal with the addition of a diamanté brooch to use as a clasp on the front or the back.
  • It can work on hair that is fine or thin with the addition of hair pieces or extensions.
  • We were reviewing vector addition this evening at a study session.
  • In this addition sum each letter represents a digit, different letters being different digits.
  • the addition of salt will improve its flavour
  • the hotel has been extended with the addition of more rooms
  • A community transport scheme has been given a major boost with the addition of an extra vehicle.
  • Such a machine would be able to carry out complex operations using only the mechanism for addition .
  • She showed that babies can even do addition and subtraction, of a rudimentary sort.
  • The new year has brought some dramatic changes at the loch with the addition of three new fisheries.
  • If the slip is accompanied by a number of items, the payee's addition of the sums is verified.