confidence - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of confidence in Hindi
- विश्वास
- आत्मविश्वास
- साहस
- विश्रंभ
- प्रत्यय
- प्रतीति
- भरोसा रखनेवाला
- आत्मविश्वासी
confidence Definition
- the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
confidence Example
- she's brimming with confidence ( वह आत्मविश्वास से लबरेज है )
- it is not possible to say with confidence how much of the increase in sea levels is due to melting glaciers ( यह विश्वास के साथ कहना संभव नहीं है कि ग्लेशियरों के पिघलने के कारण समुद्र के स्तर में कितनी वृद्धि हुई है )
- Confidence returned with a warm rush. ( आत्मविश्वास एक गर्मजोशी के साथ लौटा। )
- "I'm ready," she said with more confidence than she felt. ( "मैं तैयार हूं," उसने जितना आत्मविश्वास महसूस किया उससे अधिक आत्मविश्वास के साथ कहा। )
More Sentence
- He wasn't a tall man, but he walked with the confidence of one.
- His confidence was worth the risk.
- The big question was, would her confidence last
- Their confidence in him would fall further.
- Maybe it was simply his confidence that impressed people.
- He drove with skill and confidence - which was no surprise.
- Katie accused her of allowing Alex to make decisions because she had no confidence in herself – and that Alex was taking advantage of her because he had a controlling personality.
- He seemed to be bankrupt of hope and confidence.
- His confidence was misread as arrogance.
- Gerry's confidence made him feel invulnerable.
- His confidence is at a low ebb.
- The wife’s confidence in her husband was shattered after she discovered his affair.
- Juliana was brimming over with new-found confidence.
- Confidence is the key to success.
- The high mark he received on his test really helped to increase his confidence in his ability to write an essayShe is very confident that she will win the game because she has beaten her opponent a number of times in the past.
- The high mark he received on his test really helped to increase his confidence in his ability to write an essay.
- She became more relaxed and confident during the speech when the audience laughed at her first joke.
- The pitcher walked confidently out to the mound for the last inning.
- Everyone has totally lost confidence in him because of his poor performance in the past.
- He lost confidence after they scored the second goal on him.
- The boss obviously has a lot of confidence in her to give her such an important job.
- A few more driving lessons should help Marly feel more confident before he takes his test.
- I have always lacked confidence when speaking with women and have a hard time getting dates.
- Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
- I have little confidence in him.
- She felt nervous,[] increasingly lacking in confidence about herself.
- Corruption corrodes public confidence in a political system.
- The performance improved as their confidence grew.
- Her confidence in him was entirely misplaced.
- Self-doubt began to gnaw away at her confidence.
- Hugh blames his mother for his lack of confidence.
- I have faith in you./I have confidence in you.
- Louisa seems to have much more poise and confidence.
- He told me in the strictest confidence .
- I have absolute confidence in her.
- The confidence man befooled the innocent.
- If it was so simple, Andre wouldn't be trying to drop a hint without betraying the confidence of Deidre.
- he would walk up those steps with a confidence he didn't feel
- he had gained the young man's confidence
- someone with whom you may raise your suspicions in confidence
- we had every confidence in the staff