cavity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cavity in Hindi

  • गुहा
  • कैविटी
  • छेद
  • गढ़ा
  • ग़ार
  • पोला भाग
  • गुहिका
  • बड़ा छेद
  • विवर
  • कोटर

cavity Definition

  • an empty space within a solid object, in particular the human body. ( एक ठोस वस्तु के भीतर एक खाली स्थान, विशेष रूप से मानव शरीर। )

cavity Example

  • This cavity may then be filled with coal, calcite, siderite, or any other form of sediment. ( यह गुहा तब कोयला, कैल्साइट, साइडराइट, या किसी अन्य प्रकार के तलछट से भरा हो सकता है। )
  • These animals are thought to survive only if ice is confined to their body cavity and other extracellular spaces. ( इन जानवरों को जीवित रहने के लिए केवल तभी माना जाता है जब बर्फ उनके शरीर गुहा और अन्य बाह्य रिक्त स्थान तक सीमित हो। )
  • A larger nozzle will periodically fill the wall cavity as the structure begins to rise. ( एक बड़ा नोजल समय-समय पर दीवार गुहा को भर देगा क्योंकि संरचना बढ़ना शुरू हो जाती है। )
  • I can't say that the pop quiz was total murder, but I would rather get a cavity filled. ( मैं यह नहीं कह सकता कि पॉप क्विज़ कुल हत्या थी, लेकिन मैं इसके बजाय एक गुहा भर दूंगा। )
  • This mixture, initially the texture of wet sand, is placed into the tooth cavity . ( यह मिश्रण, शुरू में गीली रेत की बनावट, दांत गुहा में रखा जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • The walls are a feat of engineering, with short flights of stairs within the hollow cavity reaching higher galleries.
  • the abdominal cavity
  • The effects of this fracture depend on its size and location within the orbital cavity .
  • Some of the pages had been hollowed out, and hidden within the cavity lay a single gold ring, as plain and simple a piece of jewellery as the first.
  • nasal cavity
  • Endoscopes - a camera device with a light attached - are usually used to look inside a body cavity or organ.
  • a body cavity
  • Mold flow analysis was used to ensure that the cavity would fill without problem.
  • Retention of water and fluid in the abdominal cavity gives rise to local distension.
  • root cavity
  • The size of the pump is restricted by available space in the abdominal cavity .
  • The infection can also spread into the abdominal cavity causing pain and inflammation around the liver.
  • abdominal cavity
  • An arrowhead was discovered in the body cavity of another female skeleton, suggesting she died in battle.
  • Sinuses are air-filled, hollow spaces or cavities within the facial bones surrounding your nose.
  • I know two mothers with toddlers who nurse several times a night and have extensive tooth decay and cavities .
  • Put each apple on a large piece of foil and fill the core cavities with the mincemeat mixture.
  • If the teeth are not cleaned properly they may be vulnerable to tooth decay causing cavities , or to gum disease.
  • It's to detect cavities within your teeth and problems with your gums, tongue and mouth.
  • Many species of wildlife require openings or cavities in standing trees for nesting or shelter.
  • A spiral computed tomography scan of the chest revealed a 2.4-cm cavitary lung lesion in the lateral basal segment of the left lower lobe.
  • Fluoride ions in low concentrations have been shown to prevent cavities in teeth.
  • Dentists, of course, are concerned about soft drinks and cavities , or caries.
  • Fill the cavities of the peaches with the mixture.
  • Oral diseases such as gum inflammation, cavities , tooth decay and other infections should be treated early.