conduit - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of conduit in Hindi
- पाइपलाइन
- नाली
- नलिका
- नली
- वाहक नाली
conduit Definition
- a channel for conveying water or other fluid.
- a tube or trough for protecting electric wiring.
conduit Example
- In one of these earlier strata, of very great antiquity, there was discovered, in connexion with the shrine, a conduit built of bricks, in the form of an arch. ( इनमें से एक में, बहुत महान पुरातनता में, एक तीर्थ के रूप में, ईंटों से निर्मित एक नाली, तीर्थ के साथ संयोजन में खोजा गया था। )
- the office acts as a conduit for ideas to flow throughout the organization ( कार्यालय पूरे संगठन में विचारों के प्रवाह के लिए एक नाली के रूप में कार्य करता है )
- A service of electric tramways is maintained, notable as being the first system installed in England with a combination of the trolley and conduit principles of supplying current. ( विद्युत ट्रामवेज की एक सेवा को बनाए रखा जाता है, इंग्लैंड में ट्रॉली और नाली आपूर्ति के सिद्धांतों के संयोजन के साथ स्थापित पहली प्रणाली के रूप में उल्लेखनीय है। )
- a conduit for conveying water to the power plant ( बिजली संयंत्र में पानी पहुंचाने के लिए एक नाली )
- The reservoir is supplied by a conduit of 6th-century tiles connected with an early stone aqueduct, the course of which is traceable beneath the Dionysiac theatre and the royal garden in the direction of the Upper Ilissus. ( जलाशय की आपूर्ति 6 वीं शताब्दी की एक टाइल द्वारा की जाती है, जो एक प्रारंभिक पत्थर एक्वाडक्ट के साथ जुड़ी हुई है, जिसका कोर्स डायोनिसिएक थिएटर के नीचे और शाही उद्यान ऊपरी इलिसस की दिशा में उपलब्ध है। )
More Sentence
- conduit for artistic expression and creative zeal, primarily through drawing and the use of color.
- Conduit ageing is slack, it is moment was updated.
- So peduncular did not get force, conduit keeps normal, easy imbibe.
- A highly active hydrodynamic system with underground conduit flow in cave rivers.
- The meter and service pipe should not touch or be close to any electrical conduit or apparatus.
- The white-hot stream flowed down a crudely fashioned open conduit, passing only a couple of feet from Robyn's toecaps.
- Edward was far more, however, than a mere passive conduit for funds.
- Diana later realized that Camilla saw Charles's love of hunting as a conduit to maintaining her own friendship.
- But even more significantly,[] the Internet offers a tremendous conduit for information.
- This enabled Whessoe to stamp its by now ubiquitously accepted name on the conduit that supplied vital water to the cotton city.
- If electric, the tramway was to be worked by overhead wire or slot conduit systems.
- This hampers the small banks that the non-banks use as a conduit for their services.
- Beneath each cap, and near the upper end of the shaft, are a number of vertical slits through which the drainage water which rises passes out into the conduit or trench from which the irrigating streams originate.
- Social media has replaced mail as a conduit of communicating with family and friends.
- In our house, our mother is a conduit who ensures our constantly travelling father receives our messages.
- The teacher acts as a conduit between the school administrators and the students.
- Because the politician is a wise man, he knows he can use the press as a conduit of delivering his message to the public.
- The water supply is carried by an overground conduit from a spring near Diabat.
- It may be pointed out here that these expressions are defined by the act, the effect of the definitions being shortly that a drain is a conduit for the drainage of one building or of several within the same curtilage, while a sewer comprises every kind of drain except that which is covered by the definition of a drain as above stated.
- In laying off receiving drains it is essential to give hedgerows and trees a good offing, lest the conduit be obstructed by the roots.
- the gas pipe should not be close to any electrical conduit