compost - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of compost in Hindi

  • खाद
  • कम्पोस्ट
  • कूड़ा खाद
  • खादा
  • मिश्र खाद
  • मिश्रित खाद
  • मिलावट
  • कूड़े की खाद
  • खाद डालना
  • उपजाऊ करना

compost Definition


  • decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer.


  • make (vegetable matter or manure) into compost.

compost Example

  • cover with a layer of fine compost ( ठीक खाद की एक परत के साथ कवर )
  • This is effected by raising up a small mound of rich compost around it, a contrivance which induces the graft to emit roots into the surface soil. ( यह इसके चारों ओर समृद्ध खाद के एक छोटे से टीले को उठाकर प्रभावित होता है, एक अंतर्विरोध जो सतह की मिट्टी में जड़ों का उत्सर्जन करने के लिए ग्राफ्ट को प्रेरित करता है। )
  • sweet peppers can be grown singly in pots of potting compost ( मीठे मिर्च को पोटिंग कंपोस्ट के बर्तनों में अकेले उगाया जा सकता है )
  • Moisten the compost with water and replace the lid. ( पानी के साथ खाद को गीला करें और ढक्कन को बदलें। )

More Sentence

  • They make compost from leaves, and use it for fertilizer.
  • My compost piles now look like they're on steroids.
  • And, I admit, I scattered just a little compost.
  • Benefits from cutting back and applications of compost and fish emulsion.
  • Milton gardener Hilda Morrill uses her homemade compost as a mulch.
  • They prefer a slightly moist site and soil enriched with compost.
  • It's difficult to see compost in a sentence .
  • Q : I have a compost pile that provides beautiful dirt.
  • Bacterial action in a compost pile is the basis for proper composting.
  • You have done well, follow me and I will show you the compost heap.
  • Water the compost by standing the seed tray in a bowl of clean water.
  • If you have compost, then there is no need to make use of fertilizers.
  • Compost Tea: One of the best bacterial sprays is made from compost tea.
  • You can use Superseaweed™ for this as it makes a good compost starter.
  • I think a dark, clean compost makes an attractive mulch.
  • My desk at work is mostly a compost bin for paper.
  • It was of small dimensions, with a peaked cottage roof, and not much else to be seen, the dirt being raised five feet all around as if it were a compost heap.
  • Dig in home-made compost to improve texture and richness.
  • They need a site with plenty of old compost or humus-based fertiliser worked in.
  • I usually dig in a small barrow load of compost in late summer.
  • There isn't time to dig deeply and put in manure or compost.
  • The composition of Portland cement varies within comparatively narrow limits, and for given raw materials the variations are tending = to become smaller as regularity and skill in manufacture Compost increase.
  • Clear the soil of weeds and fork in plenty of compost.
  • Occasionally, you may need to top up the water and to water the compost to keep it just damp.
  • On this should be laid at least a foot thick of coarse, hard, rubbly material, a layer of rough turf, grass side downwards, being spread over it to prevent the compost from working down.
  • I got a little work-bench in there, and me stores of sprays and weed-killers and potting compost.
  • It is well, therefore, to burn the tops of the plants in the fall, rather than to plough them under or to throw them on the compost heap.
  • Pot the tubers with their crowns exposed in a loam-free potting compost.
  • Cut back any plants around pond edges that are dying back, and compost them before they pollute the water.
  • In contrast with the farmers of the 'sixties, the southern planter of the 10th century appreciates the value of his cotton seed, and farmers, too remote from the mills to get it pressed, now feed to their stock all the cotton seed they conveniently can, and use the residue either in compost or directly as manure.
  • don't compost heavily infested plants