complain - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of complain in Hindi
- शिकायत
- शिकायत करना
- अभियोग करना
- असंतोष प्रकट करना
- दुखड़ा रोना
- फरियाद करना
- परिवाद करना
- दुखड़ा कहना
complain Definition
- express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.
- state that one is suffering from (a pain or other symptom of illness).
- (of a structure or mechanism) groan or creak under strain.
complain Example
- let the warbling flute complain ( युद्धरत बांसुरी को शिकायत करने दो )
- TV viewers have been writing in to complain of the false advertisement. ( टीवी दर्शक झूठे विज्ञापन की शिकायत करने के लिए लिख रहे हैं। )
- Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment. ( डेमोक्रेट्स शिकायत करेंगे कि वह रोकथाम और उपचार की कीमत पर सजा को अधिक कर देता है। )
- They will simply complain about the tax rates and keep on working. ( वे कर दरों के बारे में शिकायत करेंगे और काम करते रहेंगे। )
More Sentence
- Complain to the boy’s mother, not to me.
- Don’t complain and do as you are told.
- There is no reason to complain.
- I’m normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
- Don’t complain about things you are not willing to work hard to change.
- TV viewers have been writing in to complain of the false advertisement.
- It boots thee not to complain.
- Democrats will complain he overemphasizes punishment at the expense of prevention and treatment.
- Do u have anything to complain about?
- The frauds and adulterations were probably due in part to the apothecaries, for Dr Merrit, a collegiate physician of London, stated that " such chymists which sell preparations honestly made complain that few apothecaries will go to the price of them."
- She complained to him about the food.
- She had done nothing but cry, complain and faint since this ordeal had begun.
- She didn't complain, but he felt her disappointment.
- He assures us that his tutor did not complain of any inaptitude on the pupil's part, and that the pupil was as happily unconscious of any on his own; but here he broke off.
- I have to complain against him because of his rudeness.
- He could not complain that he was uninformed about the true nature of the regime.
- Some people will complain even if they have no genuine grievance.
- They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception.
- her husband began to complain of headaches