compel - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of compel in Hindi

  • मजबूर
  • विवश करना
  • दबाव डालना
  • ढकेलना
  • बाध्य करना
  • मजबूर करना

compel Definition


  • force or oblige (someone) to do something.

compel Example

  • they may compel a witness's attendance at court by issue of a summons ( वे समन जारी करके अदालत में एक गवाह की उपस्थिति के लिए मजबूर कर सकते हैं )
  • It uses physical force to compel men to obey the laws. ( यह पुरुषों को कानूनों का पालन करने के लिए मजबूर करने के लिए शारीरिक बल का उपयोग करता है। )
  • The court may exercise its jurisdiction to compel the husband to make a settlement upon his wife. ( न्यायालय अपनी पत्नी पर समझौता करने के लिए पति को बाध्य करने के लिए अपने अधिकार क्षेत्र का प्रयोग कर सकता है। )
  • She could, if she wanted, compel him, through a court of law, to support the child after it was born. ( यदि वह चाहती थी, तो वह उसे जन्म देने के बाद बच्चे का समर्थन करने के लिए, कानून की अदालत के माध्यम से मजबूर कर सकती थी। )

More Sentence

  • The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children.
  • Will the courts compel individuals to provide their passwords?
  • There are also powers to compel the attendance of witnesses by obtaining a witness order.
  • The attorney general has the right to compel witnesses to appear in court.
  • Failing the arrival of a favourable reply from London by the 1st of December 1807, the tsar would help Napoleon to compel Denmark, Sweden and Portugal to close their ports against, and make war on, Great Britain.
  • The market economy at its best has certain biases and shortcomings which compel government to supplement and modify its operation.
  • Officers said they smelled alcohol on his breath but they could not compel him to submit to a Breathalyzer test or urinalysis.
  • Some can be so strong that regardless of the consequences they compel action.
  • The ombudsman will have power to recommend that a lawyer or professional body pay compensation, but not to compel payment.
  • The Equal Opportunities Commission's equal pay task force will press ministers to compel employers to close the gap.
  • Nothing can rightly compel a simple and brave man to a vulgar sadness.
  • They assert the "I," and compel obedience from the.
  • If you insist, I will just have to compel with your.
  • Rafael was suddenly fil ed by a compel ing need to hear.
  • She wanted to possess you so that she could compel you to.
  • The elders always offer the explanation: I compel no one.
  • We should never compel others to listen to us or to obey us.
  • The same power that compels her silence may compel her speech.
  • He tried to compel the Dutch and French refugees in England to unite with the Church of England, advising double taxation and other forms of persecution.
  • God saves those who trust him; he does not compel man to serve his name.
  • This Roscius was enough of a threat to compel a dire letter from Tullius.
  • It is far more compel ing to your reader than all the ‘stuffy’ stuff.
  • The auction sites can’t compel someone to honor their agreement with you.
  • I would have been more foolish to compel him to come with us, Cerian.
  • Ewen refused his overtures, and Alexander sailed forth to compel him.
  • By threatening to force a vote they compel opponents to compromise,
  • In no way does it compel you to vote for anything.
  • There's always something that compels some readers to write.
  • There is no immediate sanction to compel them to get clean.
  • It's difficult to see compel in a sentence .
  • Now : The rabbis have the means to compel both sides.
  • Outside Washington, the Pentagon compels daily remembrance of another attack.
  • That would compel NBC to move something else into that spot.
  • It seeks to compel Harbury to provide evidence of her allegations.
  • Unlike previous inquiries, the commission can compel witnesses to testify.