committing - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of committing in Hindi

  • करने

committing Definition


  • perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).
  • pledge or bind (a person or an organization) to a certain course or policy.

committing Example

  • Malinovsky had been caught in committing burglary and forgery. ( मालिनोव्स्की चोरी और जालसाजी करने में पकड़ा गया था। )
  • Those that finally perish in the sea, committing what appears to be a voluntary suicide, are only acting under the same blind impulse which has led them previously to cross shallower pieces of water with safety. ( जो अंत में समुद्र में नष्ट हो जाते हैं, जो एक स्वैच्छिक आत्महत्या प्रतीत होती है, केवल उसी अंधे आवेग के तहत काम कर रहे हैं, जिसने उन्हें पहले सुरक्षा के साथ पानी के उथले टुकड़ों को पार करने के लिए प्रेरित किया है। )
  • The allies were thus afforded an opportunity of committing the very blunder which Napoleon longed for, namely to attempt a risky forward concentration. ( इस प्रकार मित्र राष्ट्रों को बहुत ही धमाके करने का अवसर दिया गया, जो नेपोलियन के लिए लालसा था, अर्थात् एक जोखिमपूर्ण आगे की एकाग्रता का प्रयास करने के लिए। )

More Sentence

  • Between 1811 and 1814 hands of so-called Luddites, starving operatives out of work, scoured the country, smashing machinerythe immediate cause of their misfortunesand committing every sort of outrage.
  • But it did not stop the heinous acts he's committing.
  • Kindred to this latter view was the position of sundry sects of English fanatics during the Commonwealth, who denied that an elect person sinned, even when committing acts in themselves gross and evil.
  • Dublin was saved by its inhabitants committing it to the flames, and, though nineteen victories were won, of which that at Slane in Louth by Robert was counted the chief, the success was too rapid to be permanent.
  • He decided to proceed with a lesser charge of committing an act likely to assist the enemy.
  • Roman Catholic historians such as Bellesheim, and Anglicans like Canon Dixon, have accepted the identification, while Froude does not dispute it and Dr Gairdner avoids committing himself (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII.
  • But not stopping the heinous acts he's committing.
  • avoid committing the offense.
  • The Jagiellos, as a rule, prudently avoided committing themselves to any political system which might irritate the still distant but much-dreaded Turk, but when their dominions extended so far southwards as to embrace Moldavia, the observance of a strict neutrality became exceedingly difficult.
  • Holdings hands like an old world family; we were committing our lives together like marriage vows.
  • In one, a large circular tomb, were found three sepulchral couches in stone, carved in imitation of wood, and a fine statuette in bronze of Ajax committing suicide.
  • The difficulty, however, is more apparent than real, and in this sense, that if we start with a diseased organ as our subject of inquiry, we can quite properly, and without committing a solecism, treat of the functions of that organ in terms of its diseased state.\
  • He was present when the latter subject was introduced, and he entreated the fathers to study the subject well before committing themselves to a decision.
  • Forty days after his departure an order for his execution was signed, hut he anticipated his fate by committing suicide.
  • It would be wrong to remove freewill just to stop somebody committing evil.
  • At the same time he made a careful study of the Bible, committing to memory the entire New Testament both in English and in Greek.