commendable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of commendable in Hindi

  • सराहनीय
  • प्रशंसनीय

commendable Definition


  • deserving praise.

commendable Example

  • commendable restraint ( सराहनीय संयम )
  • Your identifying the most contentious point at issue was commendable. ( मुद्दे पर सबसे विवादास्पद बिंदु की पहचान आपकी सराहनीय थी। )
  • The material is presented at the undergraduate level thus the simplified approach adopted is commendable. ( सामग्री को स्नातक स्तर पर प्रस्तुत किया जाता है, इस प्रकार अपनाया गया सरलीकृत दृष्टिकोण सराहनीय है। )
  • Your speed in reporting, printing and distribution is highly commendable. ( रिपोर्टिंग, मुद्रण और वितरण में आपकी गति बेहद सराहनीय है। )

More Sentence

  • Merely reading what some one has written is less commendable than saying the same thing for arcane reasons.
  • Behavior is to be commended only if it is more than merely commendable.
  • Shall that be blameable in me, which is commendable veracity and constancy in others?  
  • The openness Gandhi shows to the plurality of religious traditions is commendable.
  • The headteacher thanked the boys for their efforts, which he said were most commendable.
  • Its arrangement for four hands, however, is excellently done, with commendable attention to the interests of the secondo player.  
  • In my eyes, that's highly commendable ."
  • It represents genuine creativity, absolute genius and commendable community involvement.
  • The sensitivity accorded to white teens who make mistakes is commendable.
  • It is commendable and desirable, but not essential to the public need, that our aesthetic desires be gratified.  
  • Other examples of American political largess abroad are not so commendable.
  • Her incredible tenacity, perseverance and determination to succeed is a commendable example to everyone.  
  • What they're trying to do is commendable,"
  • The Russian government has done a very commendable job to date.
  • For now, however, the mayor is showing commendable restraint.
  • Lukas also finished 12th with Exchange Rate and 17th with Commendable.
  • See, his goal of creating a mature, uplifting pop music that reaches beyond simple multiculti fusion is a commendable one.  
  • Lukas says Commendable also is a likely starter in the Haskell.
  • Certainly, Lukas gets the benefit of the doubt on Commendable.
  • It's difficult to see commendable in a sentence .
  • With a third set-piece similar to Elliott's previous two efforts, Steven Hammell dispatched another commendable drive wide of the post.