coloring - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of coloring in Hindi
- रंग
- रंगाई
- रंगनेवाला
- रंजन
coloring Definition
- the process or skill of applying a substance to something so as to change its original color.
- appearance with regard to color.
- a substance used to give a particular color to something, especially food.
coloring Example
- Other countries vary the coloring of their bank notes as well as their size. ( अन्य देश अपने बैंक नोटों के रंग के साथ-साथ उनके आकार को भी बदलते हैं। )
- Luckily it had short sleeves, and she knew that the subtle shade of pale aquamarine suited her colouring. ( सौभाग्य से इसमें छोटी आस्तीन थी, और वह जानती थी कि पीला एक्वामरीन की सूक्ष्म छाया उसके रंग के अनुकूल है। )
- Her daughter has very fair coloring. ( उनकी बेटी के पास बहुत अच्छा रंग है। )
- Keep him strong, keep him young, and, whatever his colouring, keep him gorgeous. ( उसे मजबूत रखो, उसे युवा रखो, और, जो भी उसका रंग है, उसे भव्य रखो। )
More Sentence
- The room was quiet and neutral in coloring,but it was given accent by bowls of bright flowers.
- Mandy has her mother’s fair coloring.
- A few drops of green food coloring were added.
- Its coloring makes it highly conspicuous.
- Olivia is coloring the picture in her book.
- Other mannequins are following her lead, cropping and coloring at a pretty pace.
- Add food coloring to the corn syrup and pour it in the container.
- And who really needs rock music, hair coloring and makeup anyway?
- The caterpillars can be picked off, but their coloring makes them difficult to see, especially when they are small.
- The juice contains no artificial coloring or flavors.
- When Nechita was 2, she started drawing and coloring with pencils, pen and ink and crayons.
- Use raw sienna and paint thinner to begin coloring the hair when oil painting a portrait.
- Joyce brought in a coloring book from Papa John’s Pizza.
- Dig out an old coloring book and color in a picture.
the comments give a distinctly more ideological coloring to research conclusions