coincidentally - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of coincidentally in Hindi
- संयोग से
coincidentally Definition
- in a way that results from chance despite being very unlikely.
coincidentally Example
- the three are coincidentally reunited when captured by the enemy ( दुश्मन द्वारा पकड़े जाने पर तीनों का संयोग होता है )
- Coincidentally, I had once found myself in a similar situation. ( संयोग से, मैंने एक बार खुद को एक समान स्थिति में पाया था। )
- Coincidentally, Pelagia was in attendance at that particular sermon. ( संयोग से, उस विशेष उपदेश में पेलागिया की उपस्थिति थी। )
- Coincidentally, port officials are considering a similar tax to pay for major improvements at Lindbergh Field. ( संयोगवश, बंदरगाह के अधिकारी लिंडबर्ग फील्ड में बड़े सुधार के लिए एक समान कर पर विचार कर रहे हैं। )
- Diarrhoea was treated symptomatically, usually coincidentally by morphine given primarily for pain. ( मुख्य रूप से दर्द के लिए दिए गए मॉर्फिन द्वारा संयोग से आमतौर पर दस्त का इलाज किया जाता था। )
More Sentence
- Coincidentally, I had a very busy schedule as Foreign Secretary at that time.
- Coincidentally they received a phone call from a double glazing company to see if a rep could call round.
- Coincidentally, it turned out, I was having some breathing problems.
- Just about then I met my wife, who, coincidentally, had also gone to the University of Chicago.
- This lawful process coincidentally clothes life in a spiritual looking garb.
- Whether as a result of this or coincidentally(, his body embarked on a series of coordinated gradual changes.
- In January 1984, coincidentally the month that Apple introduced Macintosh, Brainerd was out of a job.
- Coincidentally, they agreed to rid Italia of Carlos.
- The Bible, coincidentally enough, is where most popular ideas of.
- Coincidentally, I met an American guy at our flat a few months ago.
- And it turns out, quite coincidentally, that we’re getting close.
- They were at least thirty yards apart when their eyes coincidentally met.
- This coincidentally, was about the time you started losing interest in school.
- Coincidentally, both the old man and her reached the exact spot at the same time.
- The mayor, coincidentally, had already received a copy of the newspaper by one of his aides.
- Coincidentally, the village of my sister-in-law, Mahwissa, was one of those we passed through.
- Not coincidentally, all three of them had been previously successful in the private sector and made major career changes in midlife.
- The authority had coincidentally tested the water for toxins on about the same day as the officer cadets had used it.
- Coincidentally there has been a massive fall in church attendances.
- This asteroid has only been in existence for about the last 100,000 years; and, coincidentally, that was when we humans evolved.
- Not so coincidentally, all of the bouncers at the bar where we’d been were Army SF; they would surely back me up if it came to that.
- The same thing as I have; loneliness, pain, heartbroken, sadness, but then it must have been fate that we coincidentally meet each other.
- Coincidentally, the Lieutenant knew Adam professionally when Adam worked as an animal control officer for the Maplewood police department.
- There was no way that Randal was at the Big Burger for the break dance contest, I’d bet he was just coincidentally there to grub on down.
- Coincidentally, they share the same birthday, 23 years apart.
- Coincidentally, he was also a teacher.