coal miner - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of coal miner in Hindi

  • कोयले की खान में काम करनेवाला

coal miner Definition


  • a person who works in a coal mine.

coal miner Example

  • He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes. ( उन्होंने कुछ ही मिनटों में कोयला खदान को छोड़ दिया। )
  • I am the son of a coal miner. ( मैं एक कोयला खान का बेटा हूं। )
  • Are you a coal miner? Yes, I am. ( क्या आप एक कोयला खान हैं? हाँ मैं। )
  • I am a coal miner. ( मैं एक कोयला खान हूँ। )

More Sentence

  • As a coal miner, Mr. A always looks like something the cat dragged in.
  • A coal miner for most of his years , father knew only the hardest kind of life.
  • He is a coal miner and his job is dirty and dangerous at the best.
  • Are you a coal miner? Yes, I am.
  • A coal miner 's work is not a bed of roses.
  • He is a coal miner and his job is dirty and dangerous at the best.
  • A retired coal miner painted a picture of a train carrying coal.
  • Then he goes down the hole to work as a coal miner.
  • But it’s a song most people, I think, would be surprised was actually written by a coal miner’s son about this town, Beckley, about the people of West Virginia.
  • My electrcit level is very high , al thou once I am a coal miner.
  • I wanted to be a coal miner, and that was a serious ambition, too.
  • A coal miner for most of his years , father knew only the hardest kind of life.