chivalrous - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of chivalrous in Hindi
- उदार
- राजपूत का
- सरदार का
- शिष्ट
- शौर्यवान
- सुसम्य
- शुरोचित
- उदारचेता
chivalrous Definition
- (of a man or his behavior) courteous and gallant, especially toward women. ( (एक आदमी या उसके व्यवहार का) विनम्र और वीर, विशेष रूप से महिलाओं की ओर। )
chivalrous Example
- Now that I know him and he's my husband, he's so chivalrous . ( अब जब मैं उसे जानता हूं और वह मेरा पति है, तो वह बहुत दंग है। )
- In martial-arts films, audiences like to identify with chivalrous knights, swordsmen, or heroic fighters of the past - but only if their values and wisecracks are tuned to the modern world. ( मार्शल-आर्ट्स फिल्मों में, दर्शकों को शिष्ट शूरवीरों, तलवारबाजों, या अतीत के वीर सेनानियों के साथ पहचान करना पसंद है - लेकिन केवल अगर उनके मूल्यों और समझदार आधुनिक दुनिया में ट्यून किए जाते हैं। )
- The frontier lands became an area where chivalrous knights could show their prowess and their achievements be recorded in ballads. ( सीमांत भूमि एक ऐसा क्षेत्र बन गया, जहां शिष्ट शूरवीर अपनी दृढ़ता दिखा सकते हैं और उनकी उपलब्धियों को रोड़े में दर्ज किया जा सकता है। )
More Sentence
- Surely only the most chivalrous knight would stand forth boldly, without armor, without the element of surprise, trusting only in his virtue and nobility to protect him!
- The western ideal of chivalrous behaviour in warriors, now extensive to all soldiers, continues to be honoured centuries after the disappearance of the armoured knight.
- He could remember being told great stories about the chivalrous knights in his grandfather's time, those whom had fought with honour, discipline and great skill.
- Then I'll be the chivalrous husband and let you sleep.
- She thought that the knights and their chivalrous code had already gone extinct in Europe and from the rest of the world.
- Arthur unites the disorganized tribes of Britain into a kingdom ruled by chivalrous , noble knights.
- Henry was a chivalrous man at heart, and he loved the chance to save me.
- He was an elf of great bearing, every bit the chivalrous knight and mentor.
- Moreover, David's Castle, we are told, was where he and his chivalrous companions honed their martial skills: they are knights of yore, as imagined by a Romantic artist.
- He gave the green belt back to Gawain, and said that he did so for him to remember, and for other chivalrous men to know his adventure at the green chapel.
- A chivalrous guy who is tall, dark and handsome (yes, the good old TDH) stands tall in his social circle.
- The sword and the mail made him look downright medieval, like some chivalrous knight.
- I'll bear no less than my husband, and he is so chivalrous I doubt that I'll bear as much.
- ‘Wu xia’ means chivalrous combat, and ‘pian’ means film.
- He was the most handsome and chivalrous knight in the kingdom and one day taught his white crow how to speak the language of humans.
- Changes in war, government, and economy made the chivalrous , aristocratic knight obsolete and the Renaissance made classical literature more popular.
- This noble, chivalrous gesture must have seemed like sacrilege or blasphemy to them, and they were probably afraid of the spirits of the dead.
- The Romantics therefore studied the Middle Ages, the Christian civilization par excellence, with its Gothic cathedrals, chivalrous knights, and popular faith.
- A chivalrous chap, Randall gives the girl a shoulder to cry on, although Hopkirk feels that his corporeal colleague is being perhaps a little too attentive.
- Oh, so now you're some sort of chivalrous guy again?
- Chris was a very chivalrous guy and one of the nicest guys I had ever met.
- And you ask why chivalrous men are a dying breed?
- Myoga stood once more, stepping over to the two where he bowed, taking Epoxie's hand in his and kissing it like a chivalrous gentleman.
- That doesn't means you can't be brave, strong and chivalrous .
- Arranged in formation on a bulletin board or wall, these knights in shining armor make an impressive display of brave and chivalrous warriors ready to defend the honor of any art room or hallway!
- Wow, you really are the most chivalrous gentleman I've ever met.
- His destiny, he believed, was to be a great historical novelist chronicling chivalrous knights and glorious deeds, and from that viewpoint Holmes was a liability, and his popularity exasperating.