chimpanzee - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of chimpanzee in Hindi
- चिंपांज़ी
- बनमानुष
- अंगोला-वानर
- एक प्रकार का अफ्रीका का बनमानुष
- शिपांजी
chimpanzee Definition
- a great ape with large ears, mainly black coloration, and lighter skin on the face, native to the forests of western and central Africa. Chimpanzees show advanced behavior such as the making and using of tools. ( बड़े कान, मुख्य रूप से काले रंग और चेहरे पर हल्की त्वचा के साथ एक महान वानर, पश्चिमी और मध्य अफ्रीका के जंगलों के मूल निवासी। चिंपैंजी उन्नत व्यवहार दिखाते हैं जैसे उपकरण बनाना और उसका उपयोग करना। )
chimpanzee Example
- A 1996 case was even traced to hunters who skinned and chopped a chimpanzee found dead in the forest. ( 1996 के एक मामले में भी शिकारियों का पता लगाया गया था जिन्होंने जंगल में मृत पाए गए चिंपांजी को चमड़ी और काट दिया था। )
- We'll start with lower ones, and then work up to our closest relatives, the chimpanzee and bonobo. ( हम निचले लोगों के साथ शुरू करेंगे, और फिर अपने करीबी रिश्तेदारों, चिंपांज़ी और बोनोबो तक काम करेंगे। )
- Critics argue that, as a result, young chimps never learn how to be chimpanzees . ( आलोचकों का तर्क है कि नतीजतन, युवा चिंपांजी कभी नहीं सीखते कि चिंपैंजी कैसे होते हैं। )
- Orangutans and bonobos will be the first to go, then gorillas, and finally chimpanzees . ( ओरंगुटान और बोनोबोस पहले जाने वाले होंगे, फिर गोरिल्ला और अंत में चिंपांज़ी। )
More Sentence
- Gorillas practice infanticide and chimpanzees hunt and torture baboons.
- The argument is at its most powerful when it comes to the great apes chimpanzees , gorillas and orang-utans.
- The apes are most likely a group of giant chimpanzees that display gorilla-like behavior.
- The Mercury flights lifted two rhesus monkeys, two chimpanzees , and six men into space.
- The net effect is that hunting bonobos, chimpanzees , and gorillas has now become big business.
- The apes are a category of primates represented in Africa by gorilla, chimpanzees and bonobo.
- Humans and gorillas are sister taxa and are more closely related to one another than either is to chimpanzees or baboons.
- Could some birds really be as intelligent as primates such as chimpanzees or bonobos?
- The apes nest on the ground like gorillas but have a diet and features characteristic of chimpanzees .
- His favorite species for this work are chimpanzees , bonobos, and capuchin monkeys.
- Her friendly demeanor is appreciated by all, especially by the monkeys, chimpanzees and even the gorilla.
- Protected species such as elephants, gorillas and chimpanzees are prized, but illegal, pieces of meat.
- Wild chimpanzees and bonobos can be skilled at selecting tools for particular jobs.
- No African fossil has ever been found that is related to chimpanzees or gorillas.
- What is the most human-like behaviour you saw in chimpanzees ?
- The situation is most dire for primates such as bonobos, chimpanzees and gorillas.