chicken - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chicken in Hindi

  • मुर्गी
  • चिकन
  • चूज़ा
  • चूज़े का मांस
  • कुक्कुटशाव
  • मुर्गी का बच्चा
  • चिंगना

chicken Definition


  • a domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one. ( अपने अंडे या मांस के लिए रखा गया एक घरेलू चारा, विशेष रूप से एक युवा। )
  • a game in which the first person to lose nerve and withdraw from a dangerous situation is the loser. ( एक ऐसा खेल जिसमें किसी खतरनाक स्थिति से तंत्रिका खोने और वापस लेने वाला पहला व्यक्ति हारने वाला होता है। )
  • (among homosexuals) an adolescent male. ( (समलैंगिकों के बीच) एक किशोर पुरुष। )


  • cowardly. ( कायर। )


  • withdraw from or fail in something through lack of nerve. ( तंत्रिका की कमी के माध्यम से किसी चीज से पीछे हटना या असफल होना। )

chicken Example

  • The decline was more pronounced among women who ate a high percentage of non-dairy animal protein, such as red meat, chicken , turkey and pork. ( यह गिरावट उन महिलाओं के बीच अधिक थी, जो गैर-डेयरी पशु प्रोटीन का उच्च प्रतिशत खाती थीं, जैसे कि लाल मांस, चिकन, टर्की और पोर्क। )
  • Three younger girls chase a chicken around in circles. ( तीन छोटी लड़कियों ने हलकों में चारों ओर एक चिकन का पीछा किया। )
  • I think it's sort of a game of chicken until then. ( मुझे लगता है कि यह तब तक चिकन के खेल की तरह है। )
  • I talked to Seth today about it and he just laughed and told me they were playing a game of chicken and truth or dare. ( मैंने आज सेठ से इस बारे में बात की और वह बस हंसा और मुझे बताया कि वे चिकन और सच्चाई का खेल खेल रहे हैं या हिम्मत कर रहे हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Candy was right, Jane was being a coward and chicken .
  • Believe me, the beef, pork, chicken and other meats are very expensive.
  • This brief summary demonstrates the level of understanding that has been gained in studying the scutate scales of the chicken .
  • As I write this, the game of chicken is in maximum overdrive.
  • The preferred meat is mutton, but chicken , beef, and camel also are consumed.
  • It's like we're playing a game of chicken in reverse.
  • Just as it sounds, a fertile egg has been fertilized by a male chicken and could potentially become a chick.
  • The main types of meat are pork, chicken , and mutton.
  • Who will survive the ultimate game of slow motion chicken ?
  • This tells us that she won't eat red meat, chicken , pork, fish or seafood.
  • The sauce is good served with roast chicken , steak or grilled fish.
  • Since then, the two men have been engaged in a game of chicken .
  • They were also asked to decrease intake of red meat, substituting chicken , fish, and skim milk as protein sources.
  • This is not a some kind of macho game of chicken to show we have our resolve.
  • Roast beef, chicken , seafood, steak, and savory stews were among the typical fare.
  • Bondholders are playing a dangerous game of chicken because they feel they have little to lose.
  • In the game, it becomes more like a game of chicken , with the enemy ship trying to charge and ram you almost from the first moment you come across one another.
  • Some braised beef or roast chicken , for example, would be a welcome addition.
  • What we have here is an intriguing game of chicken .
  • It was just like the game of chicken - someone would have to back out first.
  • It's a game of political chicken within the Republican party.
  • Corn, rice, and peas are eaten with meats such as chicken , fish, pork, and beef.
  • When I am given a choice of meats, I choose white meat such as chicken or fish over steak.
  • As birds go, the domestic chicken is hardly built for high-performance flight.
  • Concentrate on eating vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and choose chicken rather than red meat.
  • Smoke rose from the center, where open fires roasted chicken and other meats.