chapter - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of chapter in Hindi
- अध्याय
- खंड
- प्रकरण
- बाब
- उल्लास
- शाखा
- परिच्छेद
chapter Definition
- a main division of a book, typically with a number or title. ( एक पुस्तक का एक मुख्य विभाजन, आमतौर पर एक संख्या या शीर्षक के साथ। )
- a local branch of a society. ( एक समाज की एक स्थानीय शाखा। )
- the governing body of a religious community, especially a cathedral or a knightly order. ( एक धार्मिक समुदाय का शासी निकाय, विशेष रूप से एक गिरजाघर या एक शूरवीर आदेश। )
- a period of time or an episode in a person's life, a nation's history, etc.. ( समय की अवधि या किसी व्यक्ति के जीवन में एक प्रकरण, एक राष्ट्र का इतिहास, आदि। )
chapter Example
- Now a chapter of history is closing and for very many children, teachers and other staff, memories come flooding back, some happy and some, of course, not so happy. ( अब इतिहास का एक अध्याय बंद हो रहा है और बहुत सारे बच्चों, शिक्षकों और अन्य कर्मचारियों के लिए, यादें वापस बह रही हैं, कुछ खुश और कुछ, ज़ाहिर है, बहुत खुश नहीं हैं। )
- He decided to focus his energy more specifically within the black community during the final chapter of his life. ( उन्होंने अपने जीवन के अंतिम अध्याय के दौरान अपनी ऊर्जा को विशेष रूप से अश्वेत समुदाय के भीतर केंद्रित करने का निर्णय लिया। )
- chapter heading ( अध्याय का शीर्षक )
- He serves as president of the local chapter of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, and he is a licensed commercial pilot. ( वह राष्ट्रीय वायु यातायात नियंत्रक संघ के स्थानीय अध्याय के अध्यक्ष के रूप में कार्य करता है, और वह एक लाइसेंस प्राप्त वाणिज्यिक पायलट है। )
- the local chapter of the American Cancer Society ( अमेरिकन कैंसर सोसायटी का स्थानीय अध्याय )
More Sentence
- The loss of these collections will close a chapter in the book of human enquiry forever.
- The chapter reads more like a stand alone essay than a chapter in a book.
- the people are about to begin a new chapter in their history
- If you live in a big city, you really ought to look into organizing a chapter of your own local bloggers.
- For every kilometer I walked, I raised money for our local chapter of the American Diabetes Society.
- The last chapter of the book, titled ‘Personal Morality,’ is brief but important.
- a majority voted for the inclusion of the social chapter in the treaty
- This also is the perfect time of year to recruit new members for your local association or collegiate chapter .
- she read the first chapter of the book
- a bloody chapter of Irish history
- A dawn flag-lowering ceremony, as the sun broke through on Tuesday morning, formally brought a chapter in Irish military history to a close.
- The story of Mexican lynching is not a footnote in history but rather a critical chapter in the history of Anglo western expansion and conquest.
- Talk with someone from your local chapter of the American Cancer Society or a similar organization.
- Last year marked a new chapter in the history of information security.
- The following are some tips from that seminar which may help your student chapter better use their local associations.
- Yesterday brought us a chapter of disasters.
- a tragic chapter in European history
- Indeed, an entire chapter in the book was titled The Theory of Evolution.
- In 1304 he was present at the general chapter of the Dominican order held at Toulouse.
- If you're pressed for time, read the short first chapter .
- My mother covered him with blankets, and a neighbor phoned the local chapter of the Humane Society for help.
- a leaflet was issued by the local chapter of the American Cancer Society
- This year he's president of the local chapter , which has about 200 members.
- Vernon assigned some very easy homework from the first chapter of our text book, and then we were dismissed.
- the latest episode in a chapter of problems