cautionary - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cautionary in Hindi
- चेतावनी देनेवाला
- सचेत करनेवाला
- सजग करनेवाला
- सर्तक करनेवाला
- होशियार करनेवाला
cautionary Definition
- serving as a warning. ( एक चेतावनी के रूप में सेवारत। )
cautionary Example
- Fritz is a darkly comic cautionary tale warning of the danger of consumerism and entrepreneurial greed. ( फ्रिट्ज़ उपभोक्तावाद और उद्यमशीलता के लालच के खतरे की चेतावनी देने वाली एक गहरी हास्य चेतावनी है। )
- Yet all the words of warning and cautionary tales cannot dent his ambition to do something out of the ordinary. ( फिर भी चेतावनी के सभी शब्द और सावधानी के किस्से साधारण से हटकर कुछ करने की उसकी महत्वाकांक्षा में सेंध नहीं लगा सकते। )
- Brandys then issued a cautionary warning which seems very important to me, and is too often overlooked. ( ब्रैंडिस ने तब एक चेतावनी जारी की जो मुझे बहुत महत्वपूर्ण लगती है, और अक्सर इसकी अनदेखी भी की जाती है। )
- A barrister tells a cautionary tale from Australia, on the dangers of creating a crime of incitement to religious hatred. ( एक बैरिस्टर ऑस्ट्रेलिया से एक सावधानीपूर्वक कहानी बताता है, धार्मिक घृणा के लिए उकसाने का अपराध बनाने के खतरों पर। )
More Sentence
- These three books constitute both landmarks and cautionary warnings in a long process that none of them addresses directly.
- This has been but a cautionary tale, intended as a word of warning to all you who pursue careers in music.
- Salter's film is a bitter cautionary tale of political and naval cover-ups.
- There is something of the cautionary tale to this piece, but it's done without an ounce of preachiness.
- But although there is much that is brutal here, it is really a cautionary tale about choice and the danger of nursing anger.
- ACT New Zealand will support this legislation but we would like to sound this cautionary warning.
- But, this is a cautionary tale that we should be very careful to look at with eyes wide open.
- This is a cautionary tale about what happens when you allow innuendo to sully your life.