carriageway - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of carriageway in Hindi
- राह-चलता
carriageway Definition
- each of the two sides of a divided highway or expressway, each of which usually have two or more lanes. ( विभाजित राजमार्ग या एक्सप्रेसवे के दोनों किनारों में से प्रत्येक, जिनमें से प्रत्येक में आमतौर पर दो या अधिक लेन हैं। )
carriageway Example
- The woman landed in the middle lane of the eastbound carriageway , but, miraculously, she wasn't hit by a vehicle. ( महिला पूर्व की ओर जाने वाले कैरिजवे के मध्य लेन में उतरी, लेकिन चमत्कारिक ढंग से वह एक वाहन से नहीं टकराई। )
- Debris from the crash was scattered over the carriageway , and the road between the two roundabouts was closed. ( दुर्घटना में मलबा गाड़ी के ऊपर से बिखर गया था, और दो गोल चक्कर के बीच का रास्ता बंद हो गया था। )
- However, he struck the kerb, lost control of his car and travelled across the carriageway leaving the road on the right. ( हालाँकि, उन्होंने कर्ब पर प्रहार किया, अपनी कार पर नियंत्रण खो दिया और सड़क पर दायीं ओर से निकलते हुए कैरिजवे की यात्रा की। )
- The outside lane of the northbound carriageway was closed for half an hour while recovery teams cleared away the debris. ( उत्तर की ओर जाने वाली गाड़ी के बाहरी लेन को आधे घंटे के लिए बंद कर दिया गया, जबकि रिकवरी टीमों ने मलबे को हटा दिया। )
- In a split second, the vehicle moved to the side of the road before hitting the kerb and going off the carriageway , smashing through a fence and down an embankment. ( एक दूसरे विभाजन में, वाहन अंकुश लगाने और गाड़ी से उतरने से पहले सड़क के किनारे पर चला गया, एक बाड़ के माध्यम से और एक तटबंध के नीचे से टकरा गया। )
- the eastbound carriageway of the M4 ( M4 के पूर्वगामी कैरिजवे )
More Sentence
- The increase in vehicles and the reduced carriageway made it difficult for them to move along the city roads.
- The lady driver deftly swung the vehicle back onto the carriageway and we sped up the Lisburn Road.
- On Sunday the cones will be changed and work will start on the other side of the eastbound carriageway .
- People in Kirkfields want a priority traffic system with carriageway narrowing and road humps to slow drivers down.
- Mr Hobson is right, in my judgment, to concede that the Commissioners did not have the power to set Barton Road as a public carriageway .
- Police had to close two lanes of the westbound carriageway , a mile short of Junction 17 so that debris from the accident could be cleared.
- You will also notice that motorway exits can be on either side of a carriageway .
- Emergency crews were called to the Clacton bound carriageway , where two vehicles had collided.
- One lane of the northbound carriageway was closed while emergency services dealt with the accident.
- The kerbside on the south bound section of the carriageway between Linden Road and Union Street is littered with old cars.
- Until then, the contraflow system on the westbound carriageway allowing a single lane of traffic in each direction will continue.
- We also live on the fourth floor of a block of flats overlooking Mile End Road, a duel carriageway .
- The appellant was walking towards her on the side of the roadway but near the edge of the bitumen carriageway .
- Suddenly the coach crossed the central reservation and collided with a public light bus travelling in the inner lane of the eastbound carriageway .
- Road sweepers were drafted in to clear the carriageway while damaged vehicles were recovered.
- The new road joins the old carriageway at Mount Falcon and continues on the former route to Foxford.
- The cameras are positioned on each carriageway after the pedestrian crossing and entrance to the retail park.
- The road carriageway is anticipated to be complete and operational by end of April this year.
- The smash happened at 11 am on Monday on the eastbound carriageway about half a mile from Junction 15.
- Two lanes of the eastbound carriageway were reopened at about 9am but one lane remained shut as workers continued to remove vehicles from the scene.
- The mandatory cycle lane would stretch along Belmont Rise and would be situated directly on the carriageway , rather than on the path at the side of the busy road.
- Two lanes of the eastbound carriageway also had to be closed because of debris and to allow access for the emergency services.
- As things began moving more quickly, we passed the accident on the other side of the carriageway .
- Traffic coming into town on Charter Row will be diverted onto the outgoing side of the carriageway for approximately nine weeks of the project.