cantamination - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cantamination in Hindi
- प्रदूषण
- दूषण
- दूषितकरण
- सम्मिश्रण
- संपृक्ति
- मैलापन
- मलिनता
cantamination Definition
- the action or state of making or being made impure by polluting or poisoning.
cantamination Example
- It would seem that the surfaces, coming into collision within a fraction of a second of their birth, would still be subject to further contamination from the interior. ( ऐसा लगता है कि उनके जन्म के एक सेकंड के एक अंश के भीतर टक्कर में आने वाली सतहें अभी भी आंतरिक से और अधिक संदूषण के अधीन होंगी। )
- For most purposes the solid media are to be preferred, since bacterial growth appears as a discrete mass and accidental contamination can be readily recognized. ( अधिकांश उद्देश्यों के लिए ठोस मीडिया को प्राथमिकता दी जानी चाहिए, क्योंकि जीवाणु वृद्धि एक असतत द्रव्यमान के रूप में प्रकट होती है और आकस्मिक संदूषण को आसानी से पहचाना जा सकता है। )
- Another method of removing grease is to immerse and remove strips of paper by which the surface available for the contamination is in effect increased. ( ग्रीस हटाने का एक अन्य तरीका कागज की पट्टियों को डुबोना और हटाना है जिससे संदूषण के लिए उपलब्ध सतह प्रभावी रूप से बढ़ जाती है। )
More Sentence
- Although throughout a certain range the surface-tension varies rapidly with the degree of contamination, it is remarkable that, as was first fully indicated by Miss Pockels,the earlier stages of contamination have little or no effect upon surface-tension.
- (2) The Institute is of opinion that in the hands of more or less unskilled workers it is easier to ensure freedom from contamination by Haffkine's ` standard method ' of manufacturing plague vaccine than with the ` water agar process ' as employed by him.
- the contamination of his morals
- Inspectors also found listeria contamination in pre-packed ham bought from Sainsbury's in Cowley.
- The wild card is the idea of contamination from deep space.
- Most of the aluminium contamination is due to aluminium sulphate added to water to remove cloudiness.
- To avoid contamination sterile reagents were used with new disposable pasteur pipettes for each addition and removal of washing solution.
- Particularly bad contamination with copper can arise from the use of ammonia solutions in vessels exposed to the air.
- Contamination could cause lung problems, similar to bronchitis(, and eye and skin problems.
- The contamination does not pose any immediate public health threat because none of the seed has been planted.
- Inquisitive journalists were told that any contamination was so negligible that it couldn't be measured, a clear piece of disinformation.
- Californians face waterborne illnesses lurking in the surf from urban runoff, and towns have lost their drinking water due to contamination.
- Also contamination of an object with more recent radiocarbon, leading to an inaccurate date, is always a threat and difficult to detect.
- If contamination is suspected, decontaminate the patient and environment following the facility's decontamination policies and procedures.
- We have no additional information on strategies to prevent contamination from entering gene banks.
- On examination under light and scanning electron microscopes the wall preparations were essentially free of cytoplasmic contamination.
- The donor blood must be free of any contamination or disease-carrying germs.
- An answer may take 3-7 months, long after the crops have been harvested and contamination has happened.
- As coated stents become more widely used, it is time to address contamination and product defect issues associated with traditional crimpers.
- By bathing in unclean water, they expose themselves to contamination.
- the risk of contamination by dangerous bacteria