calorific - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of calorific in Hindi

  • कैलोरी
  • ऊष्माजनक
  • तापवर्धक
  • तापजनक

calorific Definition

  • relating to the amount of energy contained in food or fuel. ( भोजन या ईंधन में निहित ऊर्जा की मात्रा से संबंधित। )

calorific Example

  • That's so calorific that no one drinks it. ( यह इतनी कैलोरी है कि कोई भी इसे नहीं पीता है। )
  • With all these measures and the consumption of horses, dogs, cats, and rats, each working man got about a tenth of the normal calorific intake. ( इन सभी उपायों और घोड़ों, कुत्तों, बिल्लियों और चूहों की खपत के साथ, प्रत्येक कामकाजी आदमी को सामान्य कैलोरी सेवन का दसवां हिस्सा मिला। )
  • Leaving aside the high calorific content, thi s type of food is actively bad for you and will deplete your immune system. ( उच्च कैलोरी सामग्री को छोड़कर, इस प्रकार का भोजन आपके लिए सक्रिय रूप से खराब है और आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को ख़राब कर देगा। )
  • In official quarters, there is also a refusal to admit that society's obsession with the safety, calorific content, amount or quality of the food that we eat is more unhealthy than any number of fad diets or burger bars. ( सरकारी तिमाहियों में, इस बात को मानने से भी इनकार किया जाता है कि हम जो भोजन करते हैं उसकी सुरक्षा, कैलोरी सामग्री, मात्रा या गुणवत्ता के साथ समाज का जुनून किसी भी संख्या में सनक आहार या बर्गर बार की तुलना में अधिक अस्वास्थ्यकर होता है। )
  • It could happen that your name might be attached to calorific sweet sauces, but what memorial is that! ( ऐसा हो सकता है कि आपका नाम शांत मीठी सॉस से जुड़ा हो, लेकिन वह स्मारक कौन सा है! )
  • Currently on his world tour, he has been bombarding the Evening Press with emails detailing his daily calorific intake. ( वर्तमान में अपने विश्व दौरे पर, वह इवनिंग प्रेस पर अपने दैनिक कैलोरी सेवन का विवरण ईमेल के साथ दे रहा है। )

More Sentence

  • Some labels will carry information on the right calorific intake for an ‘average’ person, but that is not helpful for the many non-average consumers.
  • Two party patrons swooning over the calorific Oreos were Patty Godfrey and Lyn Stewart.
  • Last week, science was busy counting the calorific intake of Homer Simpson, concluding his addiction to doughnuts places his fat intake on the high side.
  • Here, calorific intake, as well as how much oxygen a child breathes and how much carbon dioxide is exhaled, can be precisely recorded.
  • I am sure if I had his kind of metabolism I would be able to enjoy such a calorific dinner, but as I don't I am happy to stick to smaller, safer, appetizers instead.
  • She has become addicted to fried chicken and calorific milkshakes in the last stages of her pregnancy.
  • His daily calorific intake may reach a whopping 7,000 calories.
  • She and her other two cast mates are left to dig into the naughty, calorific buffet.
  • He seldom touches food with a high calorific content, like beef.
  • Acetylene is the most calorific of the three, and so is the most likely candidate.
  • It is an orgy of calorific excess.
  • The traditional Okinawan diet, he said, is high in green and yellow vegetables, as well as tofu in various forms, but low in calorific density.
  • But bran flakes, like salad, don't count as calorific food.
  • A diet rich in fat is therefore concentrated and calorific , and tends to lead to obesity.
  • I have been resupplying the boat with food which is an interesting task as you have to keep it simple, light, calorific and easy to cook.
  • The average daily calorific intake of the Bushmen women seems to be about 1100 calories.
  • At the very least, consumers have to be told the calorific and fat content, maybe even the saturated fat.
  • In fact, the calorific difference between a glass of red and white wine is marginal, but the potential health benefits to your heart of a soft, lushly fruited Syrah like this tips the balance towards the red.
  • Moreover, many of those who have good access to sufficient food for their calorific needs nonetheless suffer from nutrition insecurity.
  • Mississippi, famous for its calorific mud pie, ranked the highest, followed by Alabama and West Virginia.
  • It is weight-bearing and therefore calorifically more demanding than swimming or cycling.
  • Where possible we tried to make sure that the diets were equivalent, nutritionally and calorifically .
  • It is a primary object of this invention to provide a burner head which will smokelessly burn calorifically lean gases.
  • Maria's tostadas, calorifically dosed with her homemade salsa, were the best in town.