disgruntled - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disgruntled in Hindi
- असंतुष्ट
- नाराज
- चिड़चिड़ा
- ग़ुस्सैल
- क्रोधी
- ख़फ़ा
disgruntled Definition
- angry or dissatisfied.
disgruntled Example
- judges receive letters from disgruntled members of the public ( न्यायाधीशों को जनता के असंतुष्ट सदस्यों से पत्र मिलते हैं )
- He turned and climbed back down the stairs, obviously disgruntled, but not arguing further. ( वह मुड़ा और वापस सीढ़ियों से नीचे चढ़ गया, जाहिर तौर पर असंतुष्ट था, लेकिन आगे बहस नहीं कर रहा था। )
- She needed to get out more if she found their disgruntled exchange entertaining. ( अगर उन्हें उनका असंतुष्ट आदान-प्रदान मनोरंजक लगता है तो उन्हें और अधिक बाहर निकलने की जरूरत है। )
- And Dad, worn out from working the farm all day; disgruntled by years of fighting a losing battle with nature - of never having enough money to take care of his family properly. ( और पिताजी, दिन भर खेत में काम करते-करते थक गए; प्रकृति के साथ एक हारी हुई लड़ाई लड़ने के वर्षों से असंतुष्ट - अपने परिवार की ठीक से देखभाल करने के लिए पर्याप्त धन नहीं होने के कारण। )
More Sentence
- In his books, Hall regards Blakemore as a disgruntled rival.
- I am disgruntled by the bureaucracy of the AFL-CIO.
- But then I got disgruntled and upset people by being outspoken.
- Then there are the disgruntled calls about others violating the rules.
- I was getting kind of disgruntled there ( in Portland ),
- Holbrooke, 54, inherited a shop riddled with disgruntled policymakers.
- But Monday, a group of disgruntled PC users went further.
- Carey calls Williams a disgruntled ex-employee, like Vasquez.
- A peek into the former vamp's mind revealed that two of Damian's sisters-in-law had managed to turn a full vamp back into a disgruntled Natural.
- "Maybe we will get through another deity or two more today," he said in a disgruntled voice.
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- In a disgruntled mood he sank far down in his chair and opened the book at random.
- Later in the winter, it was said that men were coming back from leave disgruntled and depressed.
- Evan had heard that pet charge made against disgruntled clerks, and it came to his mind automatically.
- Moreover, it would seem too surly and disgruntled to refuse so simple a courtesy to an old acquaintance.
- And there was nothing left to the disgruntled groups which straggled in behind him, save tall and heated conjecture.
- The boys adjusted their floats and once more began their weary labor, all three disgruntled at the false alarm.
- A navy with an insufficient and disgruntled personnel cannot be efficient, and its morale must necessarily be disastrously affected.
- Bud and Kit stood on either side of her, to protect her from the remarks of the disgruntled gamblers.
- That career is frequently found in the Press, where the disgruntled ex-schoolmaster adds his quota of gall to the literature of disaffection.
- Travelers of the time comment on the contrast between the returning stream of discouraged and disgruntled men and the cheerfulness of the lot actually digging.
- There were other people who were disgruntled that morning at Mrs. McLean's breakfast.
- A group of Cardiff lecturers are particularly disgruntled, pointing out that a better 16% deal was offered at Ulster.
- For instance, a disgruntled co-worker may know your birthday.
- With a disgruntled look on his face he hurriedly dressed and shuffled out to the kitchen where Fred O'Connor was munching on a doughnut and holding a glass of Ovaltine.
- Had disgruntled Labor supporters stayed at home rather than switch allegiances?
- Moreover, satisfactory resolution can lead to increased loyalty from a previously disgruntled punter.