cab - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cab in Hindi
- टैक्सी
- कृषि बैंकिंग महाविद्यालय
- कपास परामर्शदाता बोर्ड
- चालक-कोष्ठ
- टेक्सी
- किराये की गाड़ी
- कोच
cab Definition
- a horse-drawn vehicle for public hire. ( सार्वजनिक किराए के लिए एक घोड़े से तैयार वाहन। )
- the driver's compartment in a truck, bus, or train. ( ट्रक, बस या ट्रेन में ड्राइवर का डिब्बा। )
- travel in a taxi. ( एक टैक्सी में यात्रा करें। )
cab Example
- Gone are the days when little children dreamed of a career in the cab of a train, plane or automobile. ( वे दिन आ गए जब छोटे बच्चों ने ट्रेन, प्लेन या ऑटोमोबाइल की कैब में करियर बनाने का सपना देखा। )
- The student jumped onto the draw-bar separating the cab of the lorry from the trailer and travelled on the vehicle as far as the Mall where he either slipped or tried to jump off. ( छात्र ड्रॉ-बार पर लॉरी की टैक्सी को ट्रेलर से अलग करते हुए कूद गया और वाहन पर उस मॉल की तरफ कूच कर गया जहां वह या तो फिसल गया या कूदने की कोशिश की। )
- Before remote controls were used, veteran engineers controlled the locomotives from inside the cab . ( इससे पहले कि रिमोट कंट्रोल का इस्तेमाल किया जाता, दिग्गज इंजीनियरों ने टैक्सी के अंदर से इंजनों को नियंत्रित किया। )
- He quickly glanced around and saw the engineer leaning out of the cab as the train slowed from its already slow speed. ( वह जल्दी से इधर-उधर देखने लगा और देखा कि इंजीनियर कैब से बाहर झुक रहा है क्योंकि ट्रेन पहले से ही धीमी गति से चल रही है। )
- Having had a perfectly lovely evening, we cab it back into town. ( पूरी तरह से प्यारी शाम होने के बाद, हमने इसे वापस शहर में कैब किया। )
- It also had a cab for driving the train backwards. ( इसमें ट्रेन को पीछे की तरफ चलाने के लिए कैब भी थी। )
More Sentence
- I have at least ten awful driver mistakes done in blatant fashion in front of me every day I cab .
- they called a cab
- She was still lying in the back of the lorry cab listening to the rain falling on the roof, the engine rumbling on below and the windscreen wipers scraping against the glass at the front.
- A railway employee alerted a nearby signalbox to stop all trains when he saw that the barrier had landed between the lorry's cab and trailer unit.
- Detectives are hunting a gang who dragged a sleeping lorry driver from his cab in Bury and took him on a ‘ride of terror’.
- If you're coming from the city, you might want to cab it.
- The lorry driver escaped from his cab and was treated at Chesterfield Royal Infirmary for minor injuries, and later released.
- Plus once you're at the Guvernment, there is not much else around there so you have to cab it back downtown.
- cab drivers
- I longed for my parents to hire a horse-drawn cab instead of a taxi but that did not happen.
- The spokesman said the cab became stuck and as the driver tried to free it, it fell from the crane, hit the ground beside him and fell against him, trapping him between the cab and his lorry.
- All guitar cab grills are secured by screws, not cheap Velcro.
- He travelled in a driver's cab from London to Swindon and spent two days with Great North Eastern in Newcastle and York.
- Underground access was still available from the driver's cab of any passing train.
- I might cab it back to the city and see what's going down there.
- In the cab , the driver gets full seat and wheel adjustments, plus remote central locking, electric windows, CD player and so on.
- Keep in mind that in those days, to be in the cab of a working mainline steam engine had to be on a par with a ride in a jet fighter today.
- Then a blue van struck the front of the lorry as it was in the ditch, pushing two ladders, which were on board, into the driver's side of the lorry cab .
- Traditionally, an engineer in the cab of a locomotive receives hand signals and radio commands from employees on the ground.
- While no-one was injured, the lorry's cab and the car burst into flames and three fire engines were called to the scene.
- In all his years he has only been off twice after suffering a double strangulated hernia when he slipped out of a lorry cab and then again for a ‘repair job.’
- A large black lorry with a red cab was seen making its getaway with its tipper still up, leaving a trail of debris down the street.
- So does anyone know if this will hurt my guitar cab ?
- cab driver