bury - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bury in Hindi
- दफनाना
- दफन करना
- बरी
bury Definition
- put or hide under ground. ( जमीन के नीचे रखना या छिपाना। )
- completely cover; cause to disappear or become inconspicuous. ( पूरी तरह से कवर; गायब होने या असंगत बनने का कारण। )
bury Example
- Billy goes home and prepares a box to bury Old Dan in. ( बिली घर जाता है और ओल्ड डैन को दफनाने के लिए एक बॉक्स तैयार करता है। )
- Just crawl under the cool covers and bury my head in the pillow and sleep like normal people do at this hour. ( बस शांत कवर के नीचे क्रॉल करें और तकिया में मेरे सिर को दफन करें और सामान्य लोगों की तरह सो जाओ। )
- And Agnes has some secrets of her own that the others would just as soon bury and forget. ( और एग्नेस के अपने कुछ राज़ हैं जिन्हें बाकी लोग जल्द से जल्द दफन कर देंगे और भूल जाएंगे। )
- Is that really where we want to bury the American Dream? ( क्या वास्तव में हम अमेरिकन ड्रीम को दफनाना चाहते हैं? )
- Indeed for auditors and pension fund managers it has been a week to bury and forget. ( वास्तव में लेखा परीक्षकों और पेंशन फंड प्रबंधकों के लिए यह दफनाने और भूलने के लिए एक सप्ताह है। )
- If anyone wants to argue this with me, I will bury you. ( अगर कोई मेरे साथ इस पर बहस करना चाहे तो मैं तुम्हें दफना दूंगा। )
- All he has ever done is bury his opponents and kill all of their heat. ( उसने अब तक जो भी किया है, वह अपने विरोधियों को दफनाने और उनकी सारी गर्मी को मारने के लिए है। )
More Sentence
- There's wide applause from around the room, and I realize that this group hasn't come to praise Copps for her principles, but to bury her.
- But it seems to me that what I am hearing is that, regardless of the details, there is a common thread between moms who have had to bury children.
- He needed to forget about Elizabeth and bury the love he still felt for her in a grave someplace.
- The river thundered below like a chorus of goblin voices, clamoring to snatch me away and bury me beneath the tumult of ice and rock, where no one would ever find me.
- Jolting along the river-bed-turned-road, I hoped desperately for no rain, realizing that even a shower in Uganda could bury us in mud.
- It is not surprising that the Palestinians would come up with false ‘we will bury you’ type population estimates.
- What seemed like it would bury him actually helped him.
- losses that would bury multiple businesses
- he ran through to bury a right-foot shot inside the near post
- No, what primarily caught my attention was the manner in which the two men went on and on and on and on, as if they hoped to bury the United States under the sheer mass of their verbiage.
- He still holds the glass in his left hand and struggles, self consciously, unsuccessfully, to bury it into the pocket of his lab coat.
- He had to be buried in unconsecrated ground outside the city walls.
- He was soon buried beneath them, still fighting futilely for his life…
- QB Trent Green was a large factor in the 1-6 start that buried playoff hopes.
- I have painful memories that lie buried and untouched most of the time. It is never easy when they surface.
- There is a secret cellar buried under ground which has been bricked up for many years.
- She turned her head away from the gruesome sight and buried it against Kreed's chest.
- She let herself fall into the bed, buried her head beneath the covers, and continued letting tears fall down her face as her body shook and the pillow dampened.
- Although, I think Brock also realizes that if he does stick around, he will be buried beyond belief, and will not let that happen.
- She chose to hide her face from Adrian's sight, burying it underneath her hands.
- He was also invited to put a memento, a signed copy of the day's programme, into a time capsule that will be buried in the ground.
- It was bringing back some memories that she buried deep within her.
- Debris and pieces of glass were falling, burying everything below.