buckwheat - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of buckwheat in Hindi
- एक प्रकार का अनाज
- अनाज से बना हुआ
- मोथी
buckwheat Definition
- an Asian plant of the dock family that produces starchy seeds. The seeds are used for fodder and are also milled into flour that is widely used in the US. ( गोदी परिवार का एक एशियाई पौधा जो स्टार्चयुक्त बीज पैदा करता है। बीज का उपयोग चारे के लिए किया जाता है और इसे आटे में भी डाला जाता है जो कि अमेरिका में व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किया जाता है। )
buckwheat Example
- The fillings are incredibly, filling, rich and tasty, with the buckwheat in the crêpes giving everything a good, nutty texture. ( भरने अविश्वसनीय रूप से, भरने, अमीर और स्वादिष्ट हैं, crêpes में एक प्रकार का अनाज के साथ सब कुछ एक अच्छा, पौष्टिक बनावट दे रहा है। )
- Cereals such as oats, barley, millet, buckwheat , rye, sesame, nuts and seeds are preferable. ( जई, जौ, बाजरा, एक प्रकार का अनाज, राई, तिल, नट और बीज जैसे अनाज बेहतर हैं। )
- Add in the buckwheat , the vegetables and the pain d' épice, and toss lightly to coat, making sure the ingredients are nicely blended. ( एक प्रकार का अनाज, सब्जियों और दर्द में जोड़ें épice, और हल्के से कोट करने के लिए टॉस, सुनिश्चित करें कि सामग्री अच्छी तरह से मिश्रित हैं। )
- Other foods are yams, millet, corn, wheat, buckwheat , and sorghum. ( अन्य खाद्य पदार्थ यम, बाजरा, मक्का, गेहूं, एक प्रकार का अनाज, और शर्बत हैं। )
- They might have a thick home-made smoothie or something warm if it's cold, such as oats, buckwheat , millet or quinoa porridge - the most nutritious of all the grains. ( यदि उनके पास जई, एक प्रकार का अनाज, बाजरा या क्विनोआ दलिया जैसे सभी अनाज के सबसे अधिक पौष्टिक हैं, तो उनके पास एक मोटी घर की बनी हुई स्मूथी या कुछ गर्म हो सकता है। )
More Sentence
- The peasant staples were rye bread, and porridge made from oats, buckwheat , or wheat.
- Try buckwheat as an alternative source of complex carbohydrates for breakfast or any other meal or snack.
- Wedding hypothesized that sunlight caused a chemical reaction with the buckwheat as it traversed the cutaneous blood vessels in nonpigmented areas.
- Now you can choose from mixtures of whole barley, buckwheat , triticale, amaranth, rye, kamut, and more.
- Ohsawa and Tsutsumi showed that the buckwheat plants sown in the early summer contained higher amounts of rutin than the plants sown in the late summer.
- This result is consistent with observations for other species that show Al-stimulated organic acid anion release, including wheat, maize and buckwheat .
- The primary sources of flour, for example, are potato, buckwheat , corn, rice and quinoa, all of which contain high amounts of carbs.
- Homologous sequences of PER1 were also isolated from Arabidopsis, rice, buckwheat , and wheat.
- Barley and buckwheat have more amino acid than rice and flour.
- Increase whole grains such as millet, buckwheat , quinoa, oats, rye and barley.
- A few whole grains you should add to your diet include brown and wild rice, barley, oats, kasha, quinoa, bulgur and buckwheat .
- Just be sure to turn under the succulent green growth before the buckwheat goes to seed.
- Drink nettle or dandelion teas and eat foods rich in vitamin B6, including sunflower seeds, brown rice, buckwheat and avocados.
- ‘When it comes to pancakes,’ Cheryl says, ‘we like buckwheats and buttermilks with equal enthusiasm, and we keep a jar of sourdough starter in the refrigerator for serious pancake cravings.’
- With protection, annual vegetables and flowers thrive, as do wind-tolerant perennials like buckwheats , grasses, and penstemons.