bruise - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bruise in Hindi
- चोट
- खरोंच
- साँट
- कुचलन
- नील
- छ्लिना
- मसलना
- नील लगाना
bruise Definition
- an injury appearing as an area of discolored skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rupturing underlying blood vessels. ( एक चोट शरीर पर फीका पड़ा हुआ त्वचा के एक क्षेत्र के रूप में दिखाई देती है, जो रक्त वाहिकाओं के फटने या प्रभाव के कारण होती है। )
- inflict an injury on (someone or something) causing discoloration of the skin. ( त्वचा पर मलिनकिरण के कारण (किसी या किसी चीज़ पर) चोट पहुँचाना। )
bruise Example
- Pears bruise easily and don't keep well once they have fallen or been picked. ( नाशपाती आसानी से पक जाती है और अच्छी तरह से गिर जाने के बाद या गिर जाने पर उसे अच्छी तरह से न रखें। )
- bruise the raisins before adding to the mixture ( मिश्रण में डालने से पहले किशमिश काट लें )
- Doctors, especially general practitioners, should pay special attention to children who have the tendency to bleed or bruise easily. ( डॉक्टरों, विशेष रूप से सामान्य चिकित्सकों को उन बच्चों पर विशेष ध्यान देना चाहिए, जिनमें आसानी से खून बहने या चोट लगने की प्रवृत्ति होती है। )
- And if you find that you bruise easily, boost your intake of vitamin C to strengthen your capillaries. ( और अगर आप पाते हैं कि आप आसानी से चोट करते हैं, तो अपनी केशिकाओं को मजबूत करने के लिए विटामिन सी का सेवन बढ़ा दें। )
- She had goose bumps all over her body and a bruise on her arm. ( उसके शरीर पर हंस के निशान थे और उसकी बांह पर चोट के निशान थे। )
More Sentence
- I bruise easily and get dark splotches on my hands and arms.
- To bruise herbs, Mr. Sullivan advises crushing then with the back of a large knife or tapping them with a mallet.
- She picked up a purple fruit to find a bruise near the stem.
- They bruise more easily and do not store properly as a result.
- Figs are fairly delicate - they bruise easily and deteriorate quickly, so it's best to store them in the fridge.
- Fruits and vegetables have also been genetically engineered so that they do not bruise as easily, or so that they have a longer shelf life.
- I was sore all over, and bruised, but I don't bruise easily, so it wasn't that bad.
- Cut the lemon into 10 wedges, peel and bruise the garlic, place these along with the potatoes on a non-stick baking tray.
- potatoes bruise easily, so treat them with care
- Although you might think they are really tough because they feel hard, potatoes bruise easily and should be treated with care and kept somewhere cool and dark, out of the plastic bag.
- Iger, who has years of experience repairing egos bruised by the abrasive Eisner, will have his hands full with Jobs.
- He bruised his ankle and knee, but should make the home Parker Pen Shield tie with Madrid in a fortnight.
- He yelled as his whole body was bruised from the sharp rocks, he rolled softly onto the top of a flat rocks, and lay there for a minute.
- Their egos get bruised but their perks never shrivel.
- Mom would have bumps and bruises all over her body the next day.
- ‘My son has come home with black eyes and bruises on his body,’ he said.
- He'd been beat, bled, and bruised emotionally, but never physically.
- I bruised the inside of the bone in my knee and the top of my thigh.
- Although Ryouseika was smiling, she could tell that Nazuna's pride had been bruised by having to share her girlfriend.
- The circulating nurse performs a systems assessment, noting skin rashes, bruises , and lesions.
- They suffered bruises and injuries to their heads.
- Foster, absorbing the initial blow, landed on his derrière, bruised it, and will be out two to four weeks.
- Fallon, who bruised his right leg when unseated by his mount going on to the course for the final race at Pontefract last night, is beginning to build up a lead on Holland in the title race.
- The bleeding and the fact that he was bruising easily were down to the shortage of platelets, a clotting agent, in his blood.
- Moises bruised his knee seriously enough to lose the rest of the season.