stability - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of stability in Hindi

  • स्थिरता
  • स्थायित्व
  • मज़बूती
  • दृढ़ता

stability Definition

  • the state of being stable. ( स्थिर होने की अवस्था। )

stability Example

  • Preserving their own economic stability in the medium term is the best any countries can now hope for.
  • there are fears for the political stability of the area
  • The resources found in new areas will be critical to ensuring global energy stability .
  • My Government will maintain its key commitment to economic stability and growth.
  • He has junked safety and economic stability for the average citizen and pursued his own aims.
  • They need and deserve stability if they are to make the most of their educational opportunities.
  • The geometry on this racquet aids the beginner by increasing stability and power.
  • It is a judgement to be taken in the interests of peace, stability and reconciliation.
  • The club badly needs some form of stability after the chaos of recent years.
  • By leaning forward, it is possible to alter the positioning and stability of the machine.
  • This need for stability and groundedness is the product of two very different upbringings.
  • Daniel said that the centre had given him support and stability through hard times.
  • Wings on the hull sides create stability and lift to prevent the boat from flipping over.
  • We have had a high turnover of leaders over the last ten years which means there isn't much stability .
  • Increased political stability during the period led to the expansion of towns and trade.
  • It is a mammoth task, but this is a great opportunity for us to set a budget which will give stability to the borough.
  • Since when has toughness been a prerequisite for a leader who can give his people stability and peace?
  • Having three good nourishing meals a day will generate a sense of well-being and stability .
  • The primary objective of the monetary policy will be to secure price stability .
  • Sustainable economic growth in the region is also crucial to regional stability .
  • We can't go back to the old days of stop go, boom bust, we've got to have that stability .