brooch - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of brooch in Hindi
- ब्रोच
- धुकधुकी
- जुगनू
- एक प्रकार का गहना
- ब्रौच
brooch Definition
- an ornament fastened to clothing with a hinged pin and catch. ( एक आभूषण एक हिंग वाले पिन और कैच के साथ कपड़ों तक तेजी से बढ़ता है। )
brooch Example
- Last he took out a golden brooch with a few precious stones in it. ( अंत में उसने कुछ कीमती पत्थरों के साथ एक सुनहरा ब्रोच निकाला। )
- I saw silver rings and a gold brooch , jewelled knives and other finely worked objects. ( मैंने चांदी के छल्ले और एक सोने की ब्रोच, जड़ा हुआ चाकू और अन्य बारीक काम की वस्तुओं को देखा। )
- More within the reach of the novice collector are the myriad of smaller novelty pieces, from the cameo brooch to the charm bracelet. ( नौसिखिए कलेक्टर की पहुंच के भीतर और अधिक छोटे नवीनता टुकड़ों के असंख्य हैं, कैमियो ब्रोच से आकर्षण कंगन तक। )
- Find any photo of me on a significant occasion and you'll see me wearing a brooch , a ring or a necklace that comes from that earlier time. ( एक महत्वपूर्ण अवसर पर मेरी कोई भी फ़ोटो ढूंढें और आप मुझे उस समय के ब्रोच, अंगूठी या हार पहने हुए देखेंगे। )
- Tara brooch ( तारा ब्रोच )
More Sentence
- A red sash curved from her left shoulder down to her right hip, and a golden brooch fastened the garb at her right shoulder.
- Usually, a woman also accessorizes with a bracelet, ring and necklace to go along with a brooch .
- They made off with a silver charm bracelet, two passports, a gold brooch and a silver chain.
- Therefore, Crown jewels might include everything from the regalia to swords, tiaras, rings and brooches .
- The resulting bracelets and brooches were realised in gold and enamel, encrusted with a dazzling array of precious gemstones.
- A fabulous collection of ladies costume jewellery by Pave includes brooches , earrings, necklaces and gorgeous gift sets starting at very affordable prices.
- Also choose from a range of bracelets, chains and brooches which are uniquely different and often more appealing than current trends.
- Learn to make all types of jewellery - bracelets, pendants, brooches and rings, easily and affordably.
- There is also plenty of additional space available for bracelets, earrings, brooches and rings.
- They dug up thousands of plates, brooches , hairpins and pendants, carefully placed for the afterlife with the bodies of wealthy rulers entombed in royal burial chambers.
- There are always gold earrings, necklaces, brooches , bracelets and rings for some special holiday flash.
- She saw a selection of silver brooches at a jewelry store.
- Military cloaks were fastened with brooches , so the Roman army had an important influence on brooch design.
- Look out too for the ultimate accessory: silk flowers on brooches and chokers.
- Goldsmiths and silversmiths make earrings, brooches , and bracelets, which are especially noted for their filigree work.
- The silver animal pendants, brooches and ear studs are appended to a miniature carrier bag on which a little poem is written.